Shawn Grady’s “Through the Fire” is an intriguing action-filled suspense read surrounding a firefighter, Aiden O’Neill, and the demons he faces as a series of fires threatens his life and career. Aiden is at a crossroads. His fiancée has broken off their engagement, he feels that he can’t trust his best friend, he is struggling with his inability to “hear” a fire as he used to – his instincts having been damaged after the “probie” for whom he was responsible is seriously injured in a blaze. An investigator who is growing close to Aiden believes that many of the recent fires are arson, and might possibly be linked to the death of Aiden’s father. Will this chaotic season lead Aiden to answers about his father’s death and a relationship with his Heavenly Father?
Grady’s experience as a Reno Firefighter and Paramedic breathes life into the scenes that unfold in this novel. I learned quite a bit about the life of a firefighter and the fire he battles. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn that Grady lived out events brought to life in this book. This is an outstanding freshman novel! I will be looking forward to reading future books by Shawn Grady.
Grady’s experience as a Reno Firefighter and Paramedic breathes life into the scenes that unfold in this novel. I learned quite a bit about the life of a firefighter and the fire he battles. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn that Grady lived out events brought to life in this book. This is an outstanding freshman novel! I will be looking forward to reading future books by Shawn Grady.