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Bible Study: Taking A Stand - Daniel - Chapter 12

12:1-4 – “This passage is one of the clearest Old Testament references to the resurrection of the dead…” (KWSB)

12:1 – Great suffering is in store for God’s people in the years ahead. This way of describing the future is also used by Jeremiah (Jeremiah 30:7) and Jesus (Matthew 24:21ff). Yet the great suffering is tempered by a great promise of hope for true believers. (Life App SB)

see Matthew 24:15-31; Mark 13:14-27; Joel 2:1-2.

“We have the assurance of Israel’s deliverance. Compare verse 1 with verses 5-7.” (Daniel – Beth Moore)

Michael – archangel – name means “who is like God?” See Daniel 10:13, Jude 9.

“prince” – sar – commander, official, prince, chief, leader. (KWSB)

“time of distress such as has not happened…” – the great tribulation, second 3 ½ years. See verses 11-12.

“at that time your people…will be delivered.” – would seem to support mid-trib rapture.

book – seper – to tell, inscribe. Book, writing, letter, document, scroll. Referred to important legal documents or official letters.

12:2 – will awake – resurrection at the last day. See John 11:24.

this is a clear reference to the resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. Up until this point of time, teaching about the resurrection wasn’t common. Other OT references to the resurrection are: Job 19:25, 26; Psalm 16:10; and Isaiah 26:19. (Life App SB)

everlasting life – first appearance of this phrase. (Daniel – Beth Moore)

12:3 – shine like stars – See Philippians 2:14-16. Also, 1 Corinthians 11:1 – you follow me while I follow Jesus. (Daniel – Beth Moore) See also John 5:35.

12:4 – shutting up and sealing the book meant that it was to be kept safe and preserved. (Life App SB)

knowledge – da’at – to know. Knowledge, insight, intelligence, understanding, wisdom, cunning. Often denotes knowledge gained through the senses. God teaches da’at to man. (KWSB)

The Bible says “knowledge shall increase”. We need to study and pray for wisdom and understanding to learn.

12:6 – man clothed in linen – see Ezekiel 9:1-11. This is a great passage!!!

Astonishing things – pele’ – to be wonderful, do wonderful things. Miracle, wonder, wonderful things. Except for Lamentations 1:9, pele’ always appears in a context of God’s acts or words. (KWSB)

12:7 – lifting both hands. See Ezekiel 20:5-7, 39-40. (Daniel – Beth Moore)

time, times and half a time may mean 3 ½ years. (Life App SB)

the power of the holy people seems to be crushed over and over again throughout history. God’s recurring purpose in this is to destroy the pride and self-sufficiency of the rebellious people and bring them to accept Him as Lord. (Life App SB)

holy people – Israel. (Daniel – Beth Moore)

12:9 – see Proverbs 22:6. (Daniel – Beth Moore)

12:10 – Many will be purified – NOT ALL. (As Silver Refined – Arthur)

“such distress will not lead to Israel’s deliverance alone.” See Revelation 7:9-10, 13-14. Also see Isaiah 49:5-6 – “no greater stress, no greater deliverance.” (Daniel – Beth Moore)

See Romans 5:3-5 for more on God’s purpose for our sufferings. (Life App SB)

12:11 – the abomination set up in the temple refers to the altar of Zeus where Antiochus IV Epiphanes sacrificed a pig. Some think it will have another fulfillment in the antichrist (Matthew 24:15). (Life App SB)

1290 days – 1260 days is the time, times and half a time. The extra 30 days could be filled with resurrection and judgments. (Daniel – Beth Moore)

12:11-12 – either these are further calculations relating to the persecutions of the Jews under Antiochus IV Epiphanes, or they refer to the end times. The abolishing of the daily sacrifices means the removal of worship of the one true God as well as oppression of believers. There is much speculation about the numbers in these verses. The point is that this time of persecution has an end. God is in control of it, and He will be victorious over evil. (Life App SB)

He has already won!!!

12:12 – 1335 days – the additional 45 days could be the set up of the new administration. See Revelation 20. (Daniel – Beth Moore)

12:13 – the promise of resurrection was reaffirmed to Daniel. (Life App SB)

Daniel stands tall in the gallery of God’s remarkable servants. Born of royal heritage, yet taken into captivity when only a teenager, Daniel determined to remain faithful to God in the land of his captivity… Faithfulness to God has a rich reward, not necessarily in this life, but most certainly in the life to come. (Life App SB)


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