“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
04/20/09 Are you weary? I’m not talking about the kind of weariness that can be treated with proper rest, diet and exercise. This is not the sort of weariness that can be soaked away in a bathtub or rubbed out by a masseuse. The Greek word “kopaio” means, among other things, to grow exhausted with burdens or grief. Have you ever been that burdened or grief-stricken? This is talking about a state of weariness of soul. Regardless of how you get that way, the important issue is how do I get relief? Well, this verse says that we should spell relief J-E-S-U-S! We must go to Him, approach the throne. When we feel weary or burdened, we must run to the Lord. That’s all we need to do. Run to Jesus and He will give you rest!