Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
04/27/09 I can’t even imagine what the anxiety on earth will be like after the rapture of the church. The Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way and evil will reign. We think that things are bad now (in spring 2009), but I can say with absolute confidence, “you ain’t seen nothin’, yet!” And do you know what? You don’t want to see it, either! But there will be some who are left behind when the church is taken by Christ Himself to prepare for the upcoming battle that will implement the fate of the satan, the antichrist and the false prophet. Right now, I pray for them, Father. That they will seek after You with their whole heart, that they will accept Christ and be saved, and that they will obey Your Word, cast their anxiety upon You, and be used mightily for Your will to be done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.