Blessed are those who walk in the light of Your presence, O Lord. They rejoice in Your name; they exult in Your righteousness. Psalm 89:15-16
06/04/09 Are you blessed? How blessed are you? Why are you blessed? Who has blessed you? Don’t gloss over these questions. Think about them for a few minutes. There are no formulas for answers to these. What specific events or moments have made you realize that you are blessed? They can involve Jesus, family, friends, quiet moments that you’ve had one-on-One with God, or concert events. Where have you been blessed? At home? At work? At school? At a friend’s house? In church? At someone else’s church? When have you been blessed? As a child? As a teenager? At a specific church service? Right after your greatest sin when you realized and repented and felt Christ’s love wash over you? Take a minute right now to thank Jesus, the source of all of those blessings.