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Bible Study: For Such A Time As Now - Esther - Chapter 6

6:1 - Sleep - How vain are all the contrivances of foolish man against the wise and omnipotent God, who hath the hearts and hands of kings and all men perfectly at his disposal, and can by such trivial accidents (as they are accounted) change their minds, and produce such terrible effects. Were read - His mind being troubled he knew not how, nor why, he chuses this for a diversion, God putting this thought into him, for otherwise he might have diverted himself, as he used to do, with his wives or concubines, or voices and instruments of musick, which were far more agreeable to his temper. (John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible)

see Psalm 127:2. This is so God! His gift is sleep, but He withholds it from Xerxes. Was it the noise from the gallows being built that kept him awake?

He was a double-minded man. “Other historical sources portray Xerxes as a dangerously impulsive king. When a bridge he had ordered built was destroyed in a storm, he commanded that the sea receive 300 lashes, and then had the bridge builders beheaded. When one of his loyal subjects contributed a huge sum toward a military expedition, Xerxes was so enraptured that he returned the money along with a gift of his own. But when the same man asked Xerxes to let just one of his sons go free from the draft, Xerxes, enraged, ordered the son cut into two and the army to march between the pieces.” (The Student Bible)

6:3 - Nothing - He hath had no recompence for this great and good service. Which might either happen through the king's forgetfulness; or through the envy of the courtiers; or because he was a Jew, and therefore odious and contemptible. (John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible)

6:4 - Haman - Early in the morning, because his malice would not suffer him to sleep; and he was impatient 'till he had executed his revenge; and was resolved to watch for the very first opportunity of speaking to the king, before he was engaged in other matters. Outward court - Where he waited; because it was dangerous to come into the inner court without special license, chap.4:11. (John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible)

6:6 - Man - He names none, because he would have the more impartial answer. And probably knew nothing of the difference between Haman and Mordecai. Thought - As he had great reason to do, because of the favour which the king had shewed to him above all others. (John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible)

6:8 - Royal apparel - His outward garment, which was made of purple, interwoven with gold, as Justin and Cartius relate. (John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible)

6:9-10 – entrusted to one of the king’s most noble princes – the king chose Haman as that most noble prince. But Haman missed the king’s compliment because of his pride.

6:12 - Gate - To his former place; shewing that as he was not overwhelmed by Haman's threats, so he was not puffed up with this honour. Cover'd - In token of his shame and grief for his unexpected disappointment, and for the great honour done to his abhorred adversary, by his own hands, and with his own public disgrace. (John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible)

Mordecai returned to the king’s gate – honor didn’t make him prideful.

6:13 - Wise men - The magicians, whom after the Persian manner he had called together to consult upon this strange emergency. (John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible)

6:14 - To bring - Who was now slack to go thither, by reason of the great dejection of his own mind. (John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible)


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