Sardis is reputed to be one of the oldest cities in
Asia. It was also one of the greatest
cities in the world at one time. It was
situated on a hill 1000 feet above the valley of Hermus, and appeared to be
impregnable and this instilled a false sense of security in its occupants. This led them to be less watchful. It also led to an enemy army discovering a
vulnerability and conquering the city…five times ( to the Persians in 549 BC,
the Ionians in 501 BC, Alexander the Great in 334 BC, Antigonus in 322 BC and
the Seleucids in 214 BC).
The title Christ chose to address this letter showcases the
seven Spirits of God, aka the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Missler mentions that the Holy Spirit is a major cause of division
in the church due to the discomfort many denominations have with the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit is awesome! His power is amazing! I know groups that have issues with aspects
of the Holy Spirit like speaking in tongues.
I am sad for those groups. But I
can see the separation that Chuck Missler is talking about.
Sadly, this letter contains no commendation and the concern
is that they are dead. Sardis’ prophetic
profile is the Denominational Church.
Chuck Missler gives a history lesson showcasing the Gutenberg printing
press and Martin Luther. He talks a bit
about the way the church began as home fellowships. My former “church” used to put a lot of
effort into home small groups. My
current “church”, not so much. The
church is not a building, but all of the believers in Jesus Christ.
We are being called to watchfulness and diligence, just like
the church of Sardis was. There are
areas where I’ve gotten comfortable and lazy.
How about you? Those are danger
zones! We must be deliberate about our
Christian walk if our name is not to be blotted out of the book of life. How will you live deliberately for Christ?
I learned recently from another study that some scholars
believe there is a correlation between the seven kingdom parables of Matthew 13
and the letters to the churches of Revelation.
The church of Sardis corresponds to the parable of the treasure in the
field in Matthew 13:44.
Homework for next time:
Read chapters 2 & 3. Outline
the letter to Philadelphia. What are the
distinctives of this letter? What unique
promise is given?