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Showing posts from 2019

Homiletics: Acts15:1-35

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 15:1-2 certn ppl cm frm Judea2Ant tchg belvrs:unless circmcsd, saved ;P&B apptd go Jerus2c apost abt qu 3 trvld thru Phoenicia&Samaria,told abt how Gents convrt,belvrs glad 4-6 Jerus,wlcmd,rptd what G done;som Phar:Gents must circmcsd,kp law;apostls/eldrs met2considr qu 7-9 aftr disc,P:G md choix Gents hr Gospl;G showd accpt by gv HS;He discrmn8 ,purifd their ♥ s by faith 10-11 yu try test G by puttg yoke Gents we/ancstrs bear ;thru grace LJ we/they saved   12-14 assy silnt/listnd B&P tell signs/wndrs G dn amng Gents;when fin, Jas spk:Simn desc G choix Gents 15-18 proph agree:I retn rebld D tent,restr that rest manknd seek L;even Gents do things known lng ago 19-20 my jdgmt we mk difficult 4Gents;should write2abstain food idols,sex imm,meat strangled,blood 21 4lawMoses preachd evry city frm earliest times, is read syngogs evry Sabb   22 apost/eldrs/chr...

Homiletics Acts 13-14

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 13:1 church Antioch proph&tchrs:Barnbs,Simeon(Niger),Lucius(Cyrene),Manaen(ami Herod Tet),Saul 2-4 they worshpg/fastg,HS:set apart B&S;aftr fast,prayd,laid hands,sent;went Seleucia,Cyprus 5-7 Salamis,proclmd wd,Jn asst;2Paphos,sorcr Bar-Jesus w/pro-consl Sergius Paulus,summB&S2hear wd 8-11 Elymas opposed,tried2turn pro-consul away frm faith;S(P):u full deceit,L hand v.u,ub blind,dkns fell 12-15 pro-consul saw/believd;S2Perga,Jn2Jerus;PisidnAnt,Sabbath,syngog:if hv encrgmt,spk 16-20 P:listen;G chose ancestrs,40y put up w/them;aftr destryg7nations,gv inhertnc;450y,judgs till Sam 21-24 askd4king,Saul(Kish,Benj)40y;David(Jesse)who carry out my will;thru descndts-J;Jn proclm bap 25-30 Jn:I the one ;residnts/rulrs Jerus recog J/sayngs of Proph;askd Pilate hv Him killd;tomb;G raised 31-38 appeard;we proclm gd news;G fulfilld;nvr dk;Dvd dk;1G raisd decay ;thru this man4gv sins...

Homiletics 1 Peter 3-5

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 3:1-4 wives submt2husb,if believe ,won by behavr,purity&revrnc;beauty-inner self,gentl quiet spirit 5-6 holy wm past adorn selves, submit2husb lk Sarah,obeyed,u dtrs if u do right, gv way2fear 7-8 husb considr8 wives,respct wkr prtnr&heirs so nothg hindr prayrs;b lk-mindd,symp, ♥ ,cmpssn,hmbl 9-10 repay evil,insult;repay evil-blessing so u inhert blessg;whoevr ♥ life,see gd days kp tongue frm evil 11-13 do gd,seek peace;eyes L on rteous,ears attntv2prayr,face L v.evil;who harm u if u eager do gd 14-16 if u suffr4rt,blssd, fear threats;revere C;prep gv ans4hope w/gentlnss&respct,malcius shamd slandr 17-20 bettr2suffr4do gd;C suffrd2brng u2G;md proclmtn2imprisnd spirits disobed long ago;Noah8saved 21-22 water symb baptism,saves u by resurr of JC,at G’s rt hand,angels,auth,pwrs in subms2Him   4:1-3 T4 same attitud; live 4earthly desires,but4will G;enuf time debau...

Homiletics 1 Peter 1-2

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1:1-2a P2G’s elect,exiles scattrd Pontus,Galatia,Cappadocia,Asia,Bithynia;chosen acc2 4knowl Fr 2b-3 thru sanct o S,2b obed2JC:grace&pc;Praise G grt mercy gvn new birth in2 lvg hope thru resurr 4-6 in2 inhertnc nvr perish,spoil;who shieldd thru G’s pwr till cming salv;u grtly rejoice;little while suffer 7-8 these ccm,provn genuinss faith result praise,glry,honor when JC reveald;u seen Hm,love Him,filld joy 9-11 4u recvng reslt faith,salvation;concrng salv, proph spk grace2cm;trying find time/circ suffrngs Mess 12-13 srvg selves,but u;angls long2lk in2these thngs;T4 alert&sober,set hope on grace when JC revealed 14-16 conform 2evi desires when lived ignorance;as He holy,be holy in all u do;written:be holy bec I holy 17-19 Fr judge impartially,live foreignrs-revrnt fear;u redeemd w/perishbl (ne or au),precious blood C 20-25 He chosn,thru Him u belive in G;love frm ♥ 4u born ...

Homiletics: Acts 12

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 12:1-3 Herod attacked church, exec Jas, Jn bro, w/sword;saw pleasd Jews,arrest P dur FestUnlvBr 4-5 P prison,4squad/4soldats guard;bring out after Passovr;church prayg fervently 6 Herod abt bring P4trial,that night,P bound2chains,sleep betw2guards;sentries front door guard   7-8 aoL strike P side,”Get up”, chains fell;get dressed,put on sandals,wrap cloak,follow me 9-10 followd, thot vision;past 1 st &2 nd guards,iron gate opened by itself;they went out,passed 1 st ,a left 11-12 P:I know L sent a&rescued me from Herod’s grasp;went2Mary,momof Jn-Mk where many pray 13-14 knocked outr gate,svt Rhoda cm, recog P voce;bec of joy open gate,ran in announc P@gate 15- “you’re out of mind”, but she insisting; they said “it’s is angel”; 16- P kept knocking, they opend door, saw,were amazed 17- motioning2b silent he descry how L brought him out of prison:tell Jas&bros,h...

New Every Morning

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Dr. Phil Barfoot and the other ministers who penned offerings for this book and their publisher for sending me a copy of "New Every Morning" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. “New Every Morning” by Phil Barfoot and over 100 contributors is an engaging devotional.   As a choir member, I love the choir-related stories that teach me about the unity of the body of Christ.   To be honest, I thought this would be a “fluff” devotional, but this book is like boot camp!   The teaching each day prepares me for spiritual battle, challenges me to walk my talk and encourages me to keep going when I’m almost out of steam! I will be buying this devotional for all the loved ones on my Christmas gift list this year! New Every Morning is a beautiful devotional book written by Dr. Phil Barfoot an...

Homiletics: Acts 8:1-9:30

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 8:1-2 Saul agree w/puttg2death,that dd perscutn v/church,all excpt apost scattrd;devout m burid Steph 3-8 Saul ravge church,m&w2prisn;those scattrd preachg Wd;Phil2Sam,crowds pay attn,saw signs,grt joy 9-13 Simon prev sorcery claim2b grt;all pd attn;they bel Phil,bap,Simon bel,bap,follo Phil,amazed 14-16 Apos@Jerus heard Sam rec woG,sent P&Jn;prayed rec HS,hands,rec HS,(only bap name of J) 17-25 Sim saw S gvn by hands,offr $:gv me pwr hands,Spirit;P:ur hrt right ;repnt;S:pray4me;bk2Jerus 26-30 AoL2Phil:go S,rd2Gaza,went;Ethi eunuch,off Queen,treas,read Isa;Spir2Phil:go;P:u undstd read? 31-34 sm1 guide,invit Phil;Scr:lk sheep2sltr,lamb silent,justc denied,life tkn;who this abt?proph or else? 35-38 Phil tell gd news J beg w/that Scr;as trvlg,h2o,wht kp me from bap;Phil bap 39-40 cm out h2o,Spirt carry Phil away;eun rejoice;Phil2Azotus prchg2Caesarea   9:1-4 Saul thr...

“The Moon is Always Round” by Jonathan Gibson and illustrated by Joe Hox

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Jonathan Gibson and Joe Hox and his publisher for sending me a copy of "The Moon Is Always Round" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. “The Moon is Always Round”, written by Jonathan Gibson and illustrated by Joe Hox, is a beautiful tribute to a stillborn daughter that teaches children (and adults alike) that God is always good, regardless of circumstances.   The words are easy to understand.   The theology is huge!   The drawings are colorful and engaging. This is a wonderful book that brought tears to my eyes and filled me with hope and compassion for the author and his family.   The message that God is always good is something we all need to remember….especially in the tough times.   My only issue with the book is how it reads in .pdf format.   This should really be read ...

Homiletics Acts 6:8-7:60

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 6:8-9 Stephen,full G’s grace/pwr,perf grt wndrs;opp rose frm Syng Freedmn-Jews Cyrene,Alex,Cilicia,Asia 10-12 std up v. wisd Sprt gv hm;persuaded men say “S blasphm”;stirrd ppl,eld,tch law;seizedS2Sanhdrn 13-15 prod fls wtnss:J destroy plc,chg customs Moses hnd dn;Sanhdrn lk S,face angel   7:1-4 HP2S:chrgs true?”Bro/frs,G apprd Abrhm:lv cntry/ppl;he left,aftr death of fr,G sent him2this land 5-7 inhrtnc ici,G prms desc poss land tho A hv child ;400y desc enslvd,I pnsh natn,they wrshp this plc 8-10 gv A cvnt circm;A fr Isaac-Jacob-12pats;pats jealous Jos,sold2Egypt;G gv wisd,Phar md rulr ovr all 11-13 famine,ancstrs find food;Jac hrd food Egy sent 4frs;2 nd visit Jos told bros,Phar lrnd abt Jos fam 14-17 Jos sent4fr/fam(75),Jac2Egy ou ancestrs died;brodies brt2Shechm,tomb;time G fulfill,#ppl Egy incr 18-22 new king Egy,oppressd our ppl;Moses 3mo family;Phar dtr brt up;edu...

“Top Performance: How to Develop Excellence in Yourself and Others” by Zig Ziglar

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Zig Ziglar and his publisher for sending me a copy of "Top Performance: How to Develop Excellence in Yourself and Others" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. My biggest takeaway from “ Top Performance: How to Develop Excellence in Yourself and Others” by Zig Ziglar is “attitude is critical to success”.   A good attitude is a benefit everywhere.  It can help you fight disease, get a promotion, heal a relationship and so much more.  Regardless of your position in the workplace, school, home or any other area of your life, Ziglar’s philosophy promotes and encourages a good attitude. Everyone is a leader in one way or another.   Whether you recognize that you are a leader already or not, your attitude has the power to encourage or discourage.   From my personal experience, those wi...

Love Changes Everything: Finding What’s Real in a World Full of Fake by Micah Berteau

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Micah Berteau and his publisher for sending me a copy of "Love Changes Everything: Finding What’s Real in a World Full of Fake" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. “Love Changes Everything: Finding What’s Real in a World Full of Fake” by Micah Berteau is an inspiring read.   Honestly, the title almost says it all.   Not only does this book identify and point you toward real love – not what the world says “love” is, but what the Creator of love intended it to be.   It also challenges how you love!   And how you live loved!   This is one of the best books I’ve read so far this year.

Shift Your Thinking for a Deeper Faith by Dean Del Sesto

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Dean Del Sesto and his publisher for sending me a copy of "Shift Your Thinking for a Deeper Faith" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. “Shift Your Thinking for a Deeper Faith” by Dean Del Sesto is an engaging read filled with memorable quotes, challenging questions and timeless Scripture verses.  The 99 topics can be read in any order, depending upon your needs.  Each topic brings home God’s truth and practical application by presenting the reader with thought-provoking questions designed to gauge where the reader currently resides in that area, where he or she wants to go and potentially how they will pursue that destination. This is a book for my keeper shelf that I will refer back to whenever I feel I’m at a crossroads or when a friend at a crossroads asks for my help and prayers.  I...

Back Roads to Belonging by Kristen Strong

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Kristen Strong and her publisher for sending me a copy of "Back Roads to Belonging: Unexpected Paths to Finding Your Place and Your People" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. Do you remember what it was like to be the new kid in the neighborhood?  The new student in class?  The new employee who had so many names to learn and procedures to remember?  Can you spot the “outsiders” sitting near you in church?  Are you currently the “outsider”? “Back Roads to Belonging” by Kristen Strong is a sweet book that should be read by every woman in leadership.  Actually, it should be read by every church member.  People in business would also benefit from this book.  We all need to be reminded now and then what it feels like to be on the outside looking in.  When we are made aw...

Homiletics: Luke 24

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 24:1-3 1d/wk vy early morn,wm tk spices2tomb;fnd stone rolld,entrd, find body LJ 4-5 while wndrg,2 men cloths gleamd stood beside them; wm faces2grd,men:yu lk4lvng among dead 6-8 here ,risen! Remem wht He told u;SoM must b delvd2sinnrs,cruc,3 rd d raised;then they remem 9-10 when cm bk frm tomb,told11&others;MM,Joanna,M mothr Jas&others told apostles 11-12 they believe bec wds seemd nonsense;P ran2tomb,saw strips linen lying by selves,went wondring   13-16 same d,2go2Emmaus,7mi frm Jerus;talkg re:what happnd;J walkd w/them,but they kept frm recog 17-19 He:wht u discuss;Cleopas:u know happnd;what?Abt J of Naz,proph,pwrfl wd/deed b4G&all ppl 20-23 CP/rulers crucified Hm;we hoped He redeem Is;it’s 3 rd d;sm wm2tomb find body;angels:He alive 24-26 sm compn2tomb fnd as said, see J;He:foolish ur,slow2beliv all proph spkn;didn’t Mess hv2 suffr 27-29 beg w/Mos...

A Monthly Mini-Retreat with Jesus

How do you stay connected to Jesus when your Bible study group goes on vacation?  Does your commitment and discipline go away when there's no one in the flesh to hold you accountable? For eight months now, I've been purchasing a monthly subscription box from Yada Missions (formerly Purpose Driven Essentials).  Each box has contained wonderful goodies to help me keep my focus on Jesus like books and CDs, Bible journaling supplies and a treat to enjoy when I sit down to enjoy the elements in the box. I've tried to scrape together a little time after receiving each kit to use the Bible journaling supplies because I don't have a regular time that I commit to being artistic in my Bible.  I've thought that being spontaneous when creating the artwork keeps it honest and not forced.  The result of that is a growing pile of art and Bible journaling supplies waiting to be used. I thought that maybe having a "place" to do this journaling would make it easier to...

Homiletics Luke 22-23

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 22:1-6 Passovr apprch,CP/tol rid of J;Satn entrd Jud;Jud2CP betray;delightd,agree$;he watch crwd 7-13 day lamb sacrfcd,J sent P&Jn;ou;entr city,man h20 follo,2ownr:Tchr rm Passovr,he show,they prep 14-20 hr cm,J2Ap:desird eat this Pass w/u b4suffr,aftr tkg cup,thx,tk brd,thx,brok,gv,aftr supr cup covnt 21-25 hand betray on tbl;woe2man betrays;qu among selvs;dispute grtst;J:koGents call selvs Benfctrs 26-28 u be lk that;grtst among u lk1who srvs;I among u as1who srvs;u stood by me in trials 29-32 confer u k,u eat@my tbl,thrones,judg12tribe;Sim,Satn ask sift all wheat;I prayed4u,strgthn bros 33-38 I rdy go w/u;b4roostr crow deny3x;whn sent u w/o bag u lack?0;now tk bag,sword buy;here2;enuf 39-46 J2MtOl;pray fall 2tempt;prayd tk c;angl apprd/strngthd;prayd sweat blood;disc sleep;yu sleep,pray 47-53 Jud kiss;btray w/kiss?we strk w/swords?svt HP ear;J heal;am I leadg rebellion?evrydy w/u,this...

Homiletics Luke 19:28-21:38

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 19:28-36 Aftr,J2Jerus;Bethpage/Bethany sent2disc colt,unty,L needs,cloaks on, J on;ppl cloaks on rd 37-42 rd dn2mt olives crowd praise G;Phar:Tchr rebuk disc;stones cry out;Jerus wept:wht brng pc hidn 43-48 enmies,dsh2grd,u recog G cming;tmpl drv out sell;hs prayr;tch tmpl,cp/tch lw try kill,ppl hng wds   20:1-8 J tch tmpl,cp/tch lw:what authority;John bap from hvn or human?We know ;neithr I tell u 9-16 man vinyd rent;@hvst,sent svt,tenants beat;anothr,beat;3 rd ,wound;son,killd;he kill tenan;ppl:G4bid 17-19 wht mean:ston bldr rej bec crnrstn?any1 fall on broken,any1 it falls crushed;tch lw/cp afraid of ppl 20-25 sent spies:taxes2Caes?He saw thru duplicity:whos image?Caes.Gv2Caes what caes&2G what G’s 26-28 they unable trap, silent;Saddu, resurr ,Mos:bro die,wife, child ,man marry widow,raise offsprg 29-36 7 bros,married wm,childless;wm die;@resurr whose wife?Those in r...

The God Dare by Kate Battistelli

I’ve been reading this amazing book I received in the Yada Missions Bible Journaling subscription box.   This book has brought a new friend into my life.   My newest “friend” and sister in Christ is Kate Battistelli.   If her name soumds familiar, that’s probably because she is Grammy Award-Winning Artist Francesca Battistelli’s Mom.   She is also the author of “The God Dare”.   Kate captured my devotion right away.   Her frankness and transparency rocks me to my core with each personal story.   She shares her life and parallels in Scripture the way I want a true friend to sit down with me over coffee.   This book has made me laugh and brought me to tears.   Kate has encouraged me and convicted me and pushed me down the road on my journey with Jesus!   Each of this beautiful book’s eighteen chapters can be read as a devotional.   Each chapter ends with a few verses of Scripture to meditate on and/or memorize.   There are al...

Homiletics: Luke 17:11-19:27

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 17:11-15 on way Jerus,J travl bordr Sam&Gal;10men leprosy:hv mrcy:J:sho selvs2prsts,cleansd,1cm bk 16-23 thx,Samrtn;J:ou othr9?Faith md u well;Phar:when koG cm,cmng obsrvd ;ppl:there he is, go running 24-30 SoM lk lghtng,1 st suffr;as days Noah,ppl eat,drink,marry,flood dstroy;days Lot,sulfur destroy;lk this 31-37 that day,poss insd, get ;rmbr Lot wf;woevr kp life lose;2ppl1tkn;2wmgrind1tkn;ou ded vult gthr   18:1-8 parabl alwys pray, gv up;jdge: bec widow bothr me she get justc;G justc4chosn who cry out;quick 9-14 2confidnt own rtness:tmpl2pray Phar,tx coll;Phar:I lk othrs,fast,gv;tx coll:hv mrcy me sinnr;justfd 15-18 ppl brng babes,disc rebk;J calld chldrn, hndr ;any1 rec koG lk chld enter ;rulr:gd tchr what do inhrt EL 19-21 y call me gd,no1gd xcpt G;u know cmdmts, adultery , murdr , steal , fls tstmny ,hon fr/mr;kpt since boy 22-26 sell evrythg,gv2poor,follow;sad...

Homiletics Luke 13:10-17:10

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 13:10-14 Sabbat J tchg syngog;wm cripld18y;J:u free;immed str,praisd G;syngog ldr:6d4wk,b heald Sabb 15-20 L:hypcrts!Shldn’t wm b free;opp humilitd;J:wht koG lk?must sd → tree,birds perch;wht cmpr koG2 21-25 Yeast mixd thru dough;J tch2Jerus;sm1:L only few savd?he:enter narrow door;ownr close 26-31 we ate w/u,u taught;away evildoers;weepg/gnashg;last-1 st ,1 st -last;Phar:Herod want kill u 32-35 3 rd d goal;press on;Jerus,u kill proph,long gathr ur childrn;ur hs desolate; see me till blessed he cm 14:1-6 Sabb J eat@Phar;man swellg;J:lawfl heal Sabb?silnt,heald;child ox in2 well Sabb pull out? say 7-11 noticd guests pickd plcs honr; tk pl honr;humiliated;tk lowest plc,host mv,honrd;exalt self b humbld 12-17 gv lunch/dinnr,invite poor,u blessd/repd@resurr;blssd1eat feast koG;man prep banq,sent svt:cm 18-24 mk excuse-bought fld,oxen,married;svt rpt,owner angry:bring poor;svt:done;no...