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Homiletics Acts 6:8-7:60

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

6:8-9 Stephen,full G’s grace/pwr,perf grt wndrs;opp rose frm Syng Freedmn-Jews Cyrene,Alex,Cilicia,Asia

10-12 std up v. wisd Sprt gv hm;persuaded men say “S blasphm”;stirrd ppl,eld,tch law;seizedS2Sanhdrn

13-15 prod fls wtnss:J destroy plc,chg customs Moses hnd dn;Sanhdrn lk S,face angel


7:1-4 HP2S:chrgs true?”Bro/frs,G apprd Abrhm:lv cntry/ppl;he left,aftr death of fr,G sent him2this land

5-7 inhrtnc ici,G prms desc poss land tho A hv child;400y desc enslvd,I pnsh natn,they wrshp this plc

8-10 gv A cvnt circm;A fr Isaac-Jacob-12pats;pats jealous Jos,sold2Egypt;G gv wisd,Phar md rulr ovr all

11-13 famine,ancstrs find food;Jac hrd food Egy sent 4frs;2nd visit Jos told bros,Phar lrnd abt Jos fam

14-17 Jos sent4fr/fam(75),Jac2Egy ou ancestrs died;brodies brt2Shechm,tomb;time G fulfill,#ppl Egy incr

18-22 new king Egy,oppressd our ppl;Moses 3mo family;Phar dtr brt up;educ in wisd Egy,pwrfl spch/actn

23-25 Mos,40,visit Is,saw mistrt by Egy,defns,kill Egy;Mos thot ppl relize G usng him2rescue, not

26-28 next d, Mos saw 2 Is fightg, tried reconcile,who md u rulr over us?U thinkg killg me as Egy yestrd?

29-33 Mos fled Midian 2 sons;40y,angel burng bush near Mt. Sinai,L:I G Ab,Is,Jac,off sandls holy grd

34-36 seen oppress,hrd groang,send u back;sent2b delvrr;led them out,signs in Egy,Red Sea,40y wildnss

37-39 This Mos told Is:G raise proph lk me frm own ppl;MtSinai,rec’d lvng wds;ancstrs rejct,trn bk Egy

40-41 they2Aaron:mk gods,as4Mos know wht happnd2hm;idol calf,sacrifics

42- G trnd,gv ovr2wrshp sun,moon,star;agrees w/bk proph:did u brng me sacrfc/offrngs 40y wildnss

43-45 u tkn up idols,t4 I will exil u beyond Babyln;ancstr had tab,cov law md acc2pattern

46-49 tab, Josh brt,in land til Dvd,askd2provd dwellg4G;Sol built;MostHi liv hs md by hands;Hvn=throne

50-53 my hnd md all;u lk ancstrs,rsist HS;killd proph pred Rteous One,btryd/murdrd Hm;rec’d law/obeyd


54-60 San furious,S saw J stdg,”I see”,rushd him,stone,coats-Saul;S:J rec my spirit,hold sin v.em;asleep


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Opposition to Stephen (6:8-15)

Principle: The world opposes the work of God.

2.Israel’s History Told By Stephen (7:1-53)

Principle: History tells where we came from and points to where we’re going.

3.The Sanhedrin’s Reaction to Stephen’s Testimony (7:54-60)

Principle: When Jesus’ people stand for Him, He stands for His people.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Stephen faces opposition, tells Israel’s history and is stoned.  Sanhedrin stones Stephen after facing opposition and telling Israel’s history.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK God’s people will experience opposition and opportunities to share our faith.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.What needs to change for you to have a godly response to opposition?

2.How will you connect the people in your sphere of influence with your personal testimony about Jesus and the salvation He offers?

3.What is keeping you from taking a stand for Jesus?


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