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Homiletics 1 Peter 1-2

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1:1-2a P2G’s elect,exiles scattrd Pontus,Galatia,Cappadocia,Asia,Bithynia;chosen acc2 4knowl Fr

2b-3 thru sanct o S,2b obed2JC:grace&pc;Praise G grt mercy gvn new birth in2 lvg hope thru resurr

4-6 in2 inhertnc nvr perish,spoil;who shieldd thru G’s pwr till cming salv;u grtly rejoice;little while suffer

7-8 these ccm,provn genuinss faith result praise,glry,honor when JC reveald;u seen Hm,love Him,filld joy

9-11 4u recvng reslt faith,salvation;concrng salv, proph spk grace2cm;trying find time/circ suffrngs Mess

12-13 srvg selves,but u;angls long2lk in2these thngs;T4 alert&sober,set hope on grace when JC revealed

14-16 conform2evi desires when lived ignorance;as He holy,be holy in all u do;written:be holy bec I holy

17-19 Fr judge impartially,live foreignrs-revrnt fear;u redeemd w/perishbl (ne or au),precious blood C

20-25 He chosn,thru Him u belive in G;love frm4u born thru woG:woL endur4evr this preachd2u


2:1-3 T4 rid malice,deceit,hypocrisy,envy,slandr;crave pur spiritul milk,grow up salv now u tastd L good

4-5 as u cm2livng Stone,u lk lvng stns,built in2spiritul hs2b holy priesthd offrng spiritual sacrfcs

6-7a Scr says:I lay stn Zion,chosn precius cornrstn,1who trust nvr put shame; 2who belve stn precius,

7b-8 2who belve”stn bldr rej bec crnrstn”;stn caus ppl stmbl bec disoby msg,destned4


9-10 u chosn ppl,royal prsthd,holy natn,G’s specl poss that u decl prais;now u ppl of G,now u red mercy

11-12 abstain frm evil desires wage war v. soul;lv good amng pagans see good deeds glorify G

13-15 submit selvs2 evry humn authrty,empror,govs;G’s will by do good u silence ignrnt talk,foolish ppl

16-17 Live free,use freedm2cvr evil,lv as G’s slaves;sho respect,lv believrs,honor empror

18-19 slaves submt2mastrs good&harsh;commendbl bear upundr unjst suffrng bec conscious of G

20-21 if suffr4do good&endure+commendbl b4G;2this u calld bec C suffrd4u,leaving ex u should follow

22-25 He commt sin;retaliate,threats,bore sins that we liv4rtness;u lk sheep astray now retd2Shepherd


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Peter writes to God’s elect born through the Word of God that endures forever. (1:1-25)

Principle: God’s Word gives birth and life to His people.

2.Peter shares instructions with “living stones”. (2:1-8)

Principle: God’s people are built into the body of Christ.

3.Peter discloses the identity of God’s people and the authority over them. (2:9-25)

Principle: God’s people are blessed with a grand identity and charged with obedience.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Peter writes God’s elect about birth, instructions, identity and authority.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK God’s people function as a single “structure” (body) to encourage each other and remind each other what God’s Word says.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.How is the study of God’s Word changing your thinking right now?

2.What “spiritual sacrifices” are you holding back from God?

3.What authority (-ies) are you struggling to obey?


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