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Homiletics: Luke 17:11-19:27

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

17:11-15 on way Jerus,J travl bordr Sam&Gal;10men leprosy:hv mrcy:J:sho selvs2prsts,cleansd,1cm bk

16-23 thx,Samrtn;J:ou othr9?Faith md u well;Phar:when koG cm,cmng obsrvd;ppl:there he is,go running

24-30 SoM lk lghtng,1st suffr;as days Noah,ppl eat,drink,marry,flood dstroy;days Lot,sulfur destroy;lk this

31-37 that day,poss insd,get;rmbr Lot wf;woevr kp life lose;2ppl1tkn;2wmgrind1tkn;ou ded vult gthr


18:1-8 parabl alwys pray,gv up;jdge: bec widow bothr me she get justc;G justc4chosn who cry out;quick

9-14 2confidnt own rtness:tmpl2pray Phar,tx coll;Phar:I lk othrs,fast,gv;tx coll:hv mrcy me sinnr;justfd

15-18 ppl brng babes,disc rebk;J calld chldrn,hndr;any1rec koG lk chld enter;rulr:gd tchr what do inhrt EL

19-21 y call me gd,no1gd xcpt G;u know cmdmts,adultery,murdr,steal,fls tstmny,hon fr/mr;kpt since boy

22-26 sell evrythg,gv2poor,follow;sad vy wealthy;hd4rich entr koG;easier4caml eye ndl;who can b savd

27-30 imposs man=poss G;P:lft all2follow;J:no1 lft hm,wife,brosis,parents,childrn4koG fail rec many x,EL

31-34 Jtk12:we2Jerus,evrythg writ abt SoM fulfilld,del2Gent,mock,insult,spit,flog,kill,3d rise;disc undstd

35-39 J apprch Jericho,blind man beg,what happng;J Naz passg;J SoD,mercy!quiet!J SoD mercy!

40-43 J Stop:What want?2see;recv sight,faith heald u;immed recd sight,followd,praisng G,ppl saw,praisd


19:1-6 J entr Jericho;Zacc,short,climbd tree;J lkd up:Zacc cm dn I stay ur hs today;he cm,welcm Him

7-10 He guest of sinnr;Zacc:L I gv ½ poss2poor,if I cheatd I pay4x;today salv cm2hs;SoM cm seek/sav lost

11-13 bec nr Jerus&ppl thot koG appr@once:noble went dist ctry hv hmslf apt k,10svt10minas;put2wk

14-19 subj h8d want b k;king retd,sent4svts;1stmina earn10,well dn,tk10cities;2ndmina earn5;tk5cities

20-25 anothr mina laid away,afraid;wckd svt,y put mina deposit,interest;tk,gv2 1w/10;he alrdy has10

26-27 evry1 who has,mo gvn;1 who has nothg,wht they hv tkn;those enemies want me king,bring,kill



Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Jesus heals 10 lepers and teaches about the coming of the Son of Man. (Luke 17:11-37)


2.Jesus teaches always pray and everything is possible with God then heals a blind beggar. (Luke 18)


3.Jesus was Zacchaeus’ guest and taught whoever has, more will be given. (Luke 19)



Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Approaching Jerusalem, Jesus taught, healed lepers and a blind man.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK God’s people call out to Him in prayer, praise and thanksgiving.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.What has the Lord done lately for which you haven’t praised Him?

2.How will you motivate yourself to keep praying for that item God hasn’t yet answered?

3.In what ways are you investing what God has entrusted to you?


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