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Homiletics 1 Peter 3-5

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

3:1-4 wives submt2husb,if believe,won by behavr,purity&revrnc;beauty-inner self,gentl quiet spirit

5-6 holy wm past adorn selves, submit2husb lk Sarah,obeyed,u dtrs if u do right,gv way2fear

7-8 husb considr8 wives,respct wkr prtnr&heirs so nothg hindr prayrs;b lk-mindd,symp,,cmpssn,hmbl

9-10 repay evil,insult;repay evil-blessing so u inhert blessg;whoevrlife,see gd days kp tongue frm evil

11-13 do gd,seek peace;eyes L on rteous,ears attntv2prayr,face L v.evil;who harm u if u eager do gd

14-16 if u suffr4rt,blssd,fear threats;revere C;prep gv ans4hope w/gentlnss&respct,malcius shamd slandr

17-20 bettr2suffr4do gd;C suffrd2brng u2G;md proclmtn2imprisnd spirits disobed long ago;Noah8saved

21-22 water symb baptism,saves u by resurr of JC,at G’s rt hand,angels,auth,pwrs in subms2Him


4:1-3 T4 same attitud;live4earthly desires,but4will G;enuf time debauch,lust,drunk,orgies,carous,idoltry

4-6 they surprisd u join&abuse u;they gv acct2Him who judge;gospl prch2deadso judged body,live spirit

7-10 end=near,b alert,sobr,so u pray,deep,cvr mult sins;hospitalty w/o grumblg;use gift srv others

11-12 spk as woG,srv w/strgth G provide,2Him glory,pwr4evr;be surprsd fiery test,smthg strng happng

13-15 rejoic u particip suffrgs C;if u insultd bec nom C,u blessd;suffr not as murdrr,thief,criminal,meddler

16-18 if suffr as Chrstn,praise u bear nom;time jdgmt begin G hshld;if hard4rteous saved,what of sinner

19 those suffr acc2G will commit selves2faithfl Creator,do gd


5:1-3 2eldrs I appeal as eldr;be shepherds,watch over,pursuing dishonest gain,eager2srv,be exampl

4-5 when Chief Shep apprs,u rec crwn glory;younger submit2elder,humility-G opp proud grc2humble

6-9 Hmbl under G hand,He lift u;cast anxiety on Him;be alert,sober;dvl prowls lk lion;resist,wrld is suffrg

10-13 aftr suffr,restore,mk strng;2Him pwr4evr;w/Silas I writtn;She in Babylon sends grtg&son Mark

14 greet w/kiss of love, peace2u in C


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Peter writes to wives, husbands and those who want to see good days: submit, be considerate and do good (3:1-22)


2.Peter writes live for the will of God and participate in the sufferings of Christ (4:1-19)


3.Peter closes his letter writing to elders: be shepherds and cast anxiety on God (5:1-14)



Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Peter writes wives: submit, husbands: respect, and elders: be shepherds.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK Christians will be known by their obedience to God’s Word.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.What blessings have (will) you received as a result of your submission and doing good?

2.Where does your attitude need to change about suffering for you to live in God’s will?

3.What needs to change for you to better resist the devil and set a good example?


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