Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.disc2J:who greatest koh;He placed child among
them;unless becm like lil children never enter koh(1-3)
2.whoever takes lowly pos=greatest koh;whoever welcomes
child in my name welcomes me(4-5)
3.anyone causes those believe stumble better lg millstone
4.woe to world bec things cause ppl stumble,woe person
thru whom come(7)
5.if hand/foot causes stumble,cut off/throw away;if eye
causes stumble, gouge out/throw away(8-9)
6.despise little ones,their angels always see face Father;SoM came seek/save lost(10-11[Lk19:10])
7.if man owns 100 sheep,one wanders,will he not leave
99,look for 1;if finds, happier about 1(12-13)
8.Father willing any these little ones perish(14)
9.if brosis sins, point out fault betw2of you;if listen
tk 1or2 others so established by 2-3 witnesses(15-16)
10.if still refuse listen, tell church, if refuse listen
church, treat as pagan/tax collector(17)
11.whatever bind earth/bound heaven, loosed earth/loosed
12.if 2 agree anything ask for, it done by Father;where
2-3 gather my name, I with them(19-20)
13.P2J:how many X forgive brosis, up to 7x;J: 7,
seventy-seven times(21-22)
14.koh like king wanted settle accts(23) owed 10,000 bags gold;able pay, master ordered
he,wife children sold>repay debt(24-25)
16.servant fell knees,begged:I pay back;master pity,cnx
debt, let go(26-27)
17.svt found fellow svt owed 100 silver
coins,grabbed,choke:pay back;svt fell knees,begged:I pay(28-29)
18.he refused,had man thrown prison;other svts saw, told
19.master:wicked svt,I cnx debt;shouldn’t u have
mercy;master handed over2jailers 2b tortured(32-34)
20.this how heavenly Fr treat you unless you forgive
brosis from heart(35)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s
relationship to man; a sin to avoid,
promise to trust, example to follow, command to obey, truth to believe):
1.Jesus came to seek and save the lost(18:1-14)
Principle: Believers
seek the lost to introduce them to Jesus so they might be saved.
2.Jesus teaches to forgive seventy-seven times(18:15-35)
Principle: Jesus
set the example of forgiveness for believers by forgiving all our sins.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Jesus teaches “who is the greatest” and “forgive
seventy-seven times.”
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc.):
TCMATK Believers follow Jesus’ example of seeking the
lost and forgiving from the heart.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.How will you pursue the lost around you so you can make
the gospel and Jesus known to them?
2.What needs to happen in your heart for you to forgive
yourself or someone else from whom you’ve been withholding forgiveness?
The Big Idea (author’s
main purpose in writing; the one thing all the other things in the passage is
about; if you couldn’t talk about it, you would still understand the passage is
trying to convey this):
Christ-likeness (Seeking Others’ Salvation and Forgiving
All Sins)