Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s
relationship to man; a sin to avoid,
promise to trust, example to follow, command to obey, truth to believe):
1.Jesus told, then explained, the parable of the sower
(Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
Principle: Jesus speaks
in parables, revealing kingdom secrets exclusively to His people.
2.Jesus explains to the disciples why He speaks in
parables (Matthew 13:10-17)
Principle: When
Jesus speaks, the uncalloused heart receives His message.
3.Jesus told, then explained, the parable of the weeds in
the field (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43)
Principle: Jesus
will separate His people from those of the evil one at the end of the age.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Jesus speaks in parables (the sower, weeds) and explains
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc.):
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.How am I failing to follow Christ’s example to share
the Gospel by withholding from those I perceive to have “less-than-good soil”?
2.Where has my heart become calloused to Jesus’ teaching
and how can it be made more pliable and receptive to Him?
The Big Idea (author’s
main purpose in writing; the one thing all the other things in the passage is
about; if you couldn’t talk about it, you would still understand the passage is
trying to convey this):