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My Identity in Christ #5 - I am helped by God

Now that my Bible Study group has finished Priscilla Shirer’s Armor of God study, I need to keep moving in the right direction and I’m not ready to pick up another Bible study because I haven’t applied all I want to apply to my life from this study, yet.  Also, my prayer request lately has been that I would live like I believe God’s promises and how much He loves me.  So, I am beginning a series of blog posts taken from the list Priscilla included in her 6th week of Bible study regarding our identity and inheritance in Christ.  I pray these reflections will open your eyes to how much God loves you.  Read them as if you wrote them.  Meditate on them.  God bless you.

I am helped by God - My Identity in Christ

God wants to give me His help.  Sometimes He gives without my asking.  Many times, I have to ask.  I think this is because He wants me to know that He hears my prayers and responds.  He is a loving Father Who wants to give good gifts to His children.  Hebrews 4:16 tells me to “…approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”  I can approach God with confidence.  I am His daughter, a princess of heaven, and I belong in His throne room.  This doesn’t mean I should approach Him with anything less than a respectful attitude.  If you find yourself being a bit too cavalier with your approach, read the paragraph below and get a picture of that throne you’re approaching.

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne (Ps 97:2).  God is seated on His throne and the train of His robe fills the temple (Isa 6:1).  His throne is high and exalted, holy and glorious (Isa 63:15).  God’s throne is over the heads of the cherubim according to Ezekiel (1:26, 10:1).  Daniel describes seeing the Ancient of Days taking His seat on His flaming throne with snow white clothes and hair white as wool (7:9).  Zechariah mentions the Lord being clothed in majesty as he sits and rules on His throne (6:13).  Matthew 5:34 says heaven is God’s throne.  Revelation 1:4 says the seven spirits are before His throne.  Revelation 4 says a rainbow encircles the throne; 24 other thrones surround God’s throne and 24 elders are seated on them, they fall down in worship and lay their crowns before the throne; flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder come from the throne; the seven blazing lamps before the throne are the seven spirits of God; there is what looks like a sea of glass before the throne and around the throne are four creatures covered with eyes giving glory, honor and thanks to Him on the throne.  Revelation 5:11 says thousands upon thousands of angels encircle the throne, elders and living creatures.  Revelation 5:13 says that every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on and in the sea praises Him saying, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and ever!”  Revelation 7:11 says the angels standing around the throne fall on their faces and worship God.


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