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Homiletics Luke12:1-13:9

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

12:1-2 many k gathrd,tramplng,J spk 1st 2disc: beware hypocrisy;nothg disclosed,hidden md known

3-5 wht sd dk hrd lt,wht whisprd prclmd roofs;be afraid those kill body;fear who has auth throw into hell

6-8 5sparr sold 2penny,1frgttn by G;hairs #d;u wrth mo many sparr;ackn me b4 others,I ack u b4 angels

9-12 disown me,disownd;evry1spk v SoM4gvn,any1blsph HS 4gvn;b4 rulrs worry wht say;HS teach


13-14 sm1 in crowd:Tchr,tell my bro/inhrtnc;J:who apt me judg

15-18 guard v greed,life abundc poss;parbl:grd rich mn abundt hrvst;thot no pls2store;I build biggr barns

19-21 hv plnty mny yrs,tk life easy;G:fool,this nite ur life demandd,who get wht u prep4urslf

21-23 it b4who stor thngs,rich twrd G;worry abt life,eat,body,what wear;life mo thn food, body>clothes

24-26 ravens sow reap,G feeds,mo valubl thn birds;who worrying add hr2life;y worry abt rest

27-30 flwrs labr spin,Sol dressd lk these;G clothe grass,He clothe u;wht eat/drink,worry;Fr knows u need


31-34 seek kingdm,these givn;b afraid Fr plsd gv u kngdm;sell poss gv2poor;treas in hvn;ou treas isbe

35-38 b dressd4svc,lamps burng lk svts waitg4mastr immed open door,he wait on them;gd4those ready

39-41 if ownr hs kno whn thf cm,let hs brkn in2;SoM cm expect Him;P:parbl2us or evry1

42-44 who wise mgr in chg svts gv food;gd4svt mastr finds doing so when he cm;put him chg many poss

45-47 sup svt:mstr lng time,beat svt,eat,drunk;mstr cm cut him pcs;svt knows mstr will/do,beaten many

48-51 1kno,beatn few,evry1 gvn much,much demand;I cm brng fire,baptsm undergo;thnk I brg pc,no div

52-56 now fam dividd;u see cloud west,rain;south wind,hot;u interpret earth sky,how know intrp time

57-59 y judg wht rt;as go w/advrsry2magstrt,try b recncld,advrsry may…thro u prison,get out last penny


13:1-3 sm told J abt Gal blod Pilate mix w/scrfc;J:u thnk Gal wrse sinnrs bec suffrd this way,no,repent

4-9 18 died twr Siloam mo guilty?no,repent;parabl man fig tree fruit 3y,cut dn,lv1mo y;if fruit next y cut


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Be on guard against hypocrisy (Lk 12:1-12)


2.Be on guard against greed (Lk 13:15-30)


3.Seek His kingdom (Lk 12:31-59)


4.Repent and be fruitful (Lk 13:1-9)



Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Jesus teaches beware hypocrisy and greed, seek God’s kingdom, repent.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK Seeking God’s kingdom leads to repentance and fruitfulness and guards against hypocrisy and greed.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.How do your walk and talk need to be adjusted to line up more succinctly with God’s Word?

2.What needs to change for you to consider others before yourself?

3.Where does your life fail to bear evidence that you are seeking God’s kingdom?

4.In what or whom will you invest one more year to potentially bear fruit?

This one was tough for me.  I'm still struggling with the Subject Sentence.  I had to adjust my content several times to make my divisions work.  I'm happy with the divisions, aim and applications.  There was a real lesson in this passage for me.  God is good!


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