Sardis: The Church
Who Looked Good on the Outside
Is it just me? Or
does this week’s chapter title remind you of the Pharisees of Jesus’ day? After reading this study session, I realize
that this is the exact picture Sue Edwards was trying to paint.
Sue begins this week’s study with the video teaching about
faith, hope and love. She teaches that
the greatest of these is love because God is love and love remains in eternity
whereas faith and hope aren’t necessary in eternity.
Love on the inside keeps us from being like the
Pharisees. But let this be a reminder
that the one who is beautiful on the outside isn’t necessarily beautiful on the
inside – and vice versa. In other words,
don’t judge a book by its cover. Look at
the fruit, not the tree. Don’t sit with
deceitful men. Don’t consort with hypocrites. Hypocritical liars will lead the church
astray. Avoid people who aren’t who they
seem to be because they’re only acting Christian to be seen by others.
One day, all that was done in the dark will be seen in the
light. For the hypocrites, those acts
will be the planning and conniving, the plotting and deception. For the genuine believer, those acts would be
the giving and the praying and the fasting and the acts we’ve done without
seeking recognition.
Jesus will come like a thief in the night. We must be ready. Don’t put off for one more day what the Lord
is calling you to do. Whether He’s
calling you to accept His Son, Jesus, as Savior or He’s calling you to a task
or ministry, it is always safer to be within His will. The alternative could lead to being
shamefully exposed.
Memorize: 1 John