Please forgive this rough draft format, as these are my raw study notes on the book of Exodus. I felt a great sense of urgency to publish them rather than waiting until I had the time to pretty them up. Thank you and I pray that God blesses you through this material.
Take a few minutes to savor Exodus Chapter 12. Then return here and ponder the thoughts, answer the questions, and be sure to leave comments about your own revelations…
12 – Jesus is the Passover lamb.
12:12 – God would not judge something insignificant. He is judging the true culprit behind Egypt’s polytheistic religion – Satan.
12:21-23 – Moses and Jesus both instructed God’s people concerning how to escape the plague of death. See John 5:24. (Jews for Jesus newsletter, April 2008)
12:29-30 – What impact would this mass death have on Egypt? Israel?
12:29 – All of the firstborn died at midnight! This was instantaneous! Imagine how the cries would have risen up all at once. Was there a single mother in Egypt that wasn’t watching her son sleep that night? Did Egyptian parents keep their sons up? How many Israelite families watched their boys to make sure they would be passed over?
12:31 – Moses and Aaron were able to leave their home and appear before Pharaoh because all of the firstborn died at midnight.
12:35-36 – see Exodus 25 – this is where the freewill offering came from. Why did they need clothing? See Deuteronomy 8:2-4.
12:38 – Others left with the Israelites. Perhaps the Egyptians mentioned in 9:20? Or those who were fed up with Pharaoh’s behavior since he could have saved their sons by letting Israel go?
12:41 – Israel left Egypt exactly 430 years after they arrived with Jacob.
The Lord kept vigil – He watched over Israel. He never sleeps, so He must keep vigil over all of His children all of the time!
12:46 – see John 19:33, 36.
What attributes of God have you observed in your study today? How will this change your relationship with Him?