Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.J troops/garrisons;L with;sought G;wealth honor;devoted L(2 Chr 17:1-6) 2.3 rd y sent officials/Levites;taught Judah;fear L fell;Philistines/Arabs;J more powerful(2 Chr 17:7-12) men;Judah 300,000;280,000;200,000;Benj 200,000;180,000;srvd king(2 Chr 17:13-19) 4.J allied Ahab marriage;went Samaria;koI:go with?J:we join;1 st seek L;koI proph:go(2 Chr 18:1-5) 5.J: proph L we inquire?;koI:Micaiah;koI:bring M;koI/koJ thrones entr Sam(2 Chr 18:6-9) 6.Zed md horns:gore Aram;All proph same;msgr>M:proph success,agree;M tell G says(2 Chr 18:10-13) 7.king:go war,attack,victorious;tell truth; M:saw Is scattered;koI>J:never proph good(2 Chr 18:14-17) 8.M:saw L sitting;who entice Ahab;spirit:I;L:go;deceiving spirit mouths proph;Zed slap M(2 Chr 18:18-24) 9.koI:tk M;prison bread h2o;if retn L spoken me;koI/J went;koI disguise;koAram:fight koI(2 Chr 18:25-30) 10.char cm...
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