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Showing posts from April, 2022

Matthew 28 Homiletics

Divisions: 1.An angel frightened the tomb guards and he and Jesus told Mary and Mary to tell the disciples to go to Galilee (Matt 28:1-10) Principle:   Christ rose – He did not stay in the tomb! 2.Some of the guards reported what happened, and the chief priests and elders paid the soldiers to say the disciples stole the body (Matt 28:11-15) Principle:   People opposed to Jesus devise plans against Him and His people. 3.The disciples went to Galilee and saw Jesus, Who told them to make disciples (Matt 28:16-20) Principle:   Jesus’ disciples are to make disciples.   Subject Sentence ( 10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture ): Jesus rose; priests devised a plan; disciples went to Galilee.   Aim (“ To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc .): TCMATK Jesus is the risen Savior Who calls His followers to make disciples (in spite of opposition)   Application ( not yes or no qu...

Matthew 27:32-66 Devotional

Have you ever seen an amazing display of power and grace?  In one of my cardio workouts, the instructor talks about power and grace.  Exploding with power in a jump, but landing softly and gracefully.  You can see this in ballet dancers.  You can see this in football players and skaters and gymnasts.  You can see this in surgery.  And you can see this in our awesome God!  Today, we are reading through Matthew 27:32-66, where Jesus is crucified, died, placed in Joseph’s tomb and guarded .  At the heart of this lesson is a phenomenal display of power and grace that will enable us to leave here today knowing Jesus displayed awesome power and grace on the cross and in the tomb .   We have three Divisions today: 1.Jesus is crucified (Matthew 27:32-49) 2.Jesus gave up His spirit and was placed in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb (Matthew 27:50-61) 3.The next day, the chief priests and Pharisees asked Pilate to secure the tomb (Matthew 27:62-66...

Matthew 27:32-66 Homiletics

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.Simon forced carry cross; came Golgotha (place skull); offered wine/gall, tasted, refused(Mt 27:32-34) 2.when crucified they divided clothes lots; sitting kept watch; above head charge: J KING JEWS(27:35-37) 3.2 rebels cruc rt/l; those passed hurled insults; u who destroy temple/bld 3d,cm ↓ if you SoG(27:38-40) 4.same way cp/tol/elders mocked; saved others, can’t save self,cm ↓ /we believe;let G rescue(27:41-43) 5.same way rebels crucified heaped insults; noon-3 dkness; about 3 J cried: My God, forsaken(27:44-46) 6.some heard: He’s calling Elijah; Immed one got sponge wine vinegar offered J drink(27:47-48) leave alone, see if Elijah comes(27:49)   8.J cried again loud voice, gave up spirit; that moment curtain torn, earth shook, rocks split(27:50-51) 9.tombs open, bodies many holy people raised; came out tombs after resurr, went holy city(27:52-53) 10.when centurion/those g...

Matthew 26:47-27:31 Devotional

In today’s passage, Matthew 26:47-27:31, Jesus is arrested, tried, denied and sent to be crucified .  We are going to discuss how Jesus, an innocent man, was denied, betrayed and condemned by three different men.  By the end of our time together, I want you to walk away knowing that Jesus willingly suffered to redeem mankind and restore man’s relationship with God the Father.   We have three Divisions: 1.Jesus is arrested and tried (Mt 26:47-68) 2.Jesus is denied by Peter and Judas hangs himself (Mt 26:69-27:10) 3.Jesus before Governor Pilate (Mt 27:11-31)   Lord Jesus, open our hearts and minds today to receive all that you have for us in this Bible passage.   Would You please teach each of us beyond what I’ve written, straight from Your Word.   May we walk away with new appreciation for Your sacrifice and the call that You have upon our lives.   In Your matchless name.   Amen.   In our first division, Jesus deals with a c...

Matthew 26:47-27:31 Homiletics

Divisions ( run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s relationship to man; a sin to avoid, promise to trust, example to follow, command to obey, truth to believe ): 1.Jesus is arrested and tried (Mt 26:47-68) Principle:   God’s plan for mankind’s redemption involved Jesus’ arrest and trial. 2.Peter denies knowing Jesus and Judas hangs himself (Mt 26:69-27:10) Principle:   God’s plan for mankind’s redemption involved Peter’s denial and Judas’ betrayal and their reactions to their remorse. 3.Jesus before Governor Pilate (Mt 27:11-31) Principle:   God’s plan for mankind’s redemption involved accusations, innocence, beating, mocking and crucifixion.   Subject Sentence ( 10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture ): Jesus is arrested, tried, denied and sent to be crucified.   Aim (“ To Cause My Audienc...

Matthew 26:1-46 Devotional Content

This week, we are studying Matthew 26:1-46, where Jesus is anointed, eats the Passover, and prays at Gethsemane .  Throughout this passage, we are looking at the concept of Fellowship .  We will see fellowship on display in a beautiful act of Service when Jesus is anointed at the house of Simon the Leper.  We will see fellowship in action at the last Passover Jesus eats with His disciples.  We will also observe Jesus in fellowship with the Father in Prayer at Gethsemane.   When you walk away from our time together, today, I want you to know God strengthens His people to walk obediently in His will through fellowship with Him .   Heavenly Father, would you open our hearts and minds to truth today?   Plant seeds of Scripture in our hearts and water them so they grow and transform us into Christ’s likeness.   May our connection to You be visible to others so they will ask us the reason for our hope and we can point them straight to Jesus. ...

Matthew 26:1-46 Homiletics

Divisions: 1.Jesus speaks of crucifixion, is anointed and Judas looks for an opportunity to betray Him (Mt 26:1-16) Principle:   Jesus deserves our most valuable gifts and precious acts of service. 2.Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples (Mt 26:17-30) Principle:   Jesus desires fellowship with His people. 3.Jesus tells the disciples they will all fall away, goes to Gethsemane and prays three times, then rises to meet His betrayer (Mt 26:31-46) Principle:   Jesus prioritizes prayer, modeling this practice for His people.   Subject Sentence: Jesus is anointed, eats the Passover, and prays at Gethsemane.   Aim: God strengthens His people to walk obediently in His will through fellowship with Him.   Application: 1.For what acts of serving Jesus will you be remembered? What is loving Jesus costing you? Where are you holding back from loving Jesus lavishly? What treasure do you have to give to the Lord? 2.What preparations do ...

Matthew 25 Devotional Content

Division.   It’s more than a type of mathematics problem.   It’s more than one step in the process of homiletics.   It’s not just a group of soldiers.   It’s a separation of a larger whole.   In God’s economy, He uses division to multiply.   If you recall in the book of Acts, persecution broke out in Jerusalem.   This divided the disciples and multiplied the church.   As believers fled the persecution, they spread the Gospel message throughout the world!   Division.   Some of us live in divided families: believers and non-believers.   Are you prepared for division?   How will you be divided out? The judgment is coming.   Are you ready?   In today’s devotional, we are going to look at three illustrations: Jesus speaks parables about virgins, entrusted wealth, sheep and goats .   When you are finished reading this, I want you to walk away knowing that While we wait for Christ’s return, we should be growing in r...