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Homiletics: Acts 8:1-9:30

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

8:1-2 Saul agree w/puttg2death,that dd perscutn v/church,all excpt apost scattrd;devout m burid Steph

3-8 Saul ravge church,m&w2prisn;those scattrd preachg Wd;Phil2Sam,crowds pay attn,saw signs,grt joy

9-13 Simon prev sorcery claim2b grt;all pd attn;they bel Phil,bap,Simon bel,bap,follo Phil,amazed

14-16 Apos@Jerus heard Sam rec woG,sent P&Jn;prayed rec HS,hands,rec HS,(only bap name of J)

17-25 Sim saw S gvn by hands,offr $:gv me pwr hands,Spirit;P:ur hrt right;repnt;S:pray4me;bk2Jerus

26-30 AoL2Phil:go S,rd2Gaza,went;Ethi eunuch,off Queen,treas,read Isa;Spir2Phil:go;P:u undstd read?

31-34 sm1 guide,invit Phil;Scr:lk sheep2sltr,lamb silent,justc denied,life tkn;who this abt?proph or else?

35-38 Phil tell gd news J beg w/that Scr;as trvlg,h2o,wht kp me from bap;Phil bap

39-40 cm out h2o,Spirt carry Phil away;eun rejoice;Phil2Azotus prchg2Caesarea


9:1-4 Saul thrts/mrdr v.disc;2HP,req ltrs 2Damscs brng prsnrs2Jerus;nearg Dam;light;fall;S,yu pers me?

5-8 who ruL;J,1u pers,get up,go city,u told what do;men w/him spchless;hearg,seeing;Saul see,led2Dam

9-11 see3dd,eat,drnk;L2Ananias vision:go st calld Straight,hs Judas,ask4m frm Tarsus,Saul,prayg

12-14 visn seen Ananias plcg hds regain sight;L,I hrd abt m,harm2ur saints Jerus,authrty from CP arrest

15-16 L:go,m my chosn instrmt tk nom Gents,kings,Is;I show himhow much he suffer4my nom


17-19a A went,hds:Bro Saul,LJ appr2u snt me sight,b filld w/HS;scales frm eyes,bap,food,reg strngth

19b-21 Saul Dam sm time;Immed proc J syngog:SoG;All hrd/astound:isn’t this m caus havoc,prisners2CP

22-25 S grew strngr,kpt prvng J=Mess;Jews conspire kill him;disc lowr him in basket thru opening in wall

26-27 arr Jerus,tried join disc,they afraid, Barnabbas brt him2Apos,expl how seen L,in Dam spk boldly

28-29 S cmg/going w/them spkg boldly in nom of L;convrsd/debatd w/Hellenistic Jews,they tried kill him

30 bros found out,tk him2Caesarea,sent him2Tarsus


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Persecution and the spread of the Gospel (8:1-40)


2.Christ chooses Saul to take His name to Gentiles, kings and Israel (9:1-16)


3.Ananias restores Saul’s sight, who begins preaching boldly in the name of Jesus (9:17-30)



Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Persecution spreads the name of Jesus outside Jerusalem.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Desire etc.):

TCMATK God’s people will experience persecution and it is for our good and God’s glory.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.Where have you taken the Gospel as a result of challenging circumstances?

2.How is God transforming and preparing you to serve Him?

3.How have others encouraged and supported you in doing the Lord’s work?


Steven Take said…
Thank you for this words!

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David More said…
I really appreciate the word of God you posted! Thanks a lot!

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Mila Kier said…
I miss my pastor and my church thank you for wonderful words!

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Kaye said…
Thanks for encouraging words! It helps me a lot!

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