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Homiletics: 1 Samuel 9-15

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.Bnjmt Saul,hndsm,tallr-dnkys lst-Ephrm2Shlisha2Shalim2Bnjmn2Zuph;manofG;1/4shek ag,Sam(9:1-14)

2.Day b4L:frm Benj,rulr;S L:this man;Sam:u eat w/me,dnkys fnd;S@hd;svt go,I gv msg frmG(9:15-27)

3.Sam oil S hd;2men-dnkys fnd,fr worried;3 men offer2loavs;Gibeah-Phil outpst-prophets;Gilgal(10:1-8)

4.G chg S;signs fulfild;G pwrfly on him, joind prophsyg;tell uncle about kingship(10:9-16)

5.Sam-Mizpah-Benj by lot-S;long lv king;Sam expl rts/dutes;hm;scndrls-no gifts,S silent(10:17-27)

6.Nahash Amnite siege JabGilead;treaty-rt eye;msgr2Gib,S oxen pcs,mustrd 300000,30000Jud(11:1-11)

7.S:L rescud Is;Gil-S md king;Sam:L apptd Mos/Aar,brt out Egy;u4got L;Lsent Jrb-Baal…Sam(11:12-12:11)

8.saw Nahash,want k;L set k ovr u;evil-askd4k;ppl2Sam:pray;if u persist evil,u&k perish(12:12-25)


9.S(30)k42y;Jon attac Phil outpst;Phil assmbl2ft;S troops fear;S offering;as he fin Sam arrived(13:1-10)

10.Sam:wht u done?foolsh thg;ur kdm endure;Phil raidg;blksmth;2Phil,only S&Jon hv sword(13:11-23)

11.Jon left tell fr;2Phil outpst;Phil fell;panic struck army, sent by G(14:1-15)

12.S’s lookouts saw army melting;S:bring ark;Phil confusion/strk ea othr;Phil on run;L savd Is(14:16-23)

13.S:cursd who eats;Jon hrd, dippd honycmb;Is strk dn Phil,plndr,butchr,ate w/blood(14:24-32)

14.S:u broke faith;pursue Phil, lv no1alive;inquire of G, G answer;what sin commitd today?Jon(14:33-42)

15.S:What done;J:hony;men:Jon brt delvrnc w/G sos,put2death;S rule/ft enem;bitr war w/Phil(14:43-52)


16.Sam2S:L sent me anoint;L punish Amalkts-go,attack;put2death;S attk,spard Agag&evrythg gd(15:1-9)

17.L regrt md S k;Sam went S,there,monumt;S2Sam:I carried out L instruct;Sam:what I hear?(15:10-15)

18.spard2sacrfc;Sam:obey;obey betr than sac;rebellion lk divination;arrognc lk idoltry;u rejct L(15:16-23)

19.I sinnd,forgv;Sam:u reject Wd of L;L rej u,tore kdm from u;went bk w/S(15:24-31)

20.Sam:brg Agag;put2death;not see S again;Lregret mk S k(15:32-35)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Saul seeks donkeys, finds a seer and is made king; the Lord rescues Jabesh Gilead and Samuel warns Israel not to persist in evil (1 Samuel 9-12)

Principle: God’s people pursue Him over other things.

2.Saul offers sacrifices, Jonathan pursues the Philistines and Israel breaks faith (1 Samuel 13-14)

Principle: God’s people respond to His salvation.

3.Saul disobeys and the Lord rejects him as king (1 Samuel 15)

Principle: God’s people obey Him.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Samuel anoints, Saul fails, the Lord rejects Saul as king.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK God is worthy of our time, attention, pursuit, worship, love and obedience.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.Where are you feeling unfulfilled by worldly pursuits and how might seeking God instead satisfy you?

2.In what areas are you seeing God’s activity around you and how will you join Him in His work?

3.What area of partial obedience or disobedience will you commit to repentance and prayerful obedience?


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