Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.Jon1n spirt w/D; ♥d him as self;S kept D
w/him;Jon covnt w/D;gv robe2D,tunic,sword,bow,belt(18:1-4)
2.D successful,S gv hi rank army;after D kill Phil, wm
sing:S slain 1000s,D10s of 1000s(5-7)
3.S angry,what more he get but kgdm;S kept close eye
D;evil spirt on S;S threw spear,D elude2x(8-11)
4.A afraid of D;gv D cmd of 1000,D grt success,Is/Jud♥D;S:here oldr dtr
Merab,marriag,srv bravly(12-17)
5.D:whoami2bec s-i-l?Merab gvn2Adriel;Michal♥D,S plsd, she b snare;D:I
poor/lil known(18-23)
6.S:tell D price=100 Phil 4skins;D kill200;S gv Michal;S
more afraid,D more success(24-30)
7.S2Jon&atts:kill D;Jon warn D,spk well of D2S;S
oath:D put2deth;D w/S as be4;war,D ft Phil fled(19:1-8)
8.Evil spirt S,D elude spear/escape;Michal warn D,out
wndw,idol in bed;S men2captr D;Michl:he ill(9-14)
9.S2men:brng D so I kill him;iidol in bed;S2Michal:yu
decv?M:he said let me get away, y I kill u?(15-17)
10.D fled2Sam;S sent men2captr;men phrophsied,sent more,proph2,S
went,proph in Sam’s pres(18-24)
11.D fled2Jon;J:u going2die;D:1step betw
me&deth;J:whtevr u want I do;D:2mrro feast I hide(20:1-5)
12. if fr lose tmpr,he harm me;J:Nvr!I swear sound out
fr, let u know,L b w/u;covenant out of love(6-17)
13.J2D:2mrro feast, day aftr go by stone Ezel,I shoot
arrows,”on this side”,cm,safe;”beyond u”,go(18-23)
14.D hid,S said nothing;next day,S2J:y son of Jesse cm?J
ans,S anger:he must die(24-31)
15.J:what he done?S threw spear;J knew S2kill D;J fierce
anger,eat,grieved at fr’s shamfl trmt D(32-34)
16.In AM Jon2mtg w/D;shot arrow,”beyond u”;weapons2boy:carry
back;D bowd(35-40)
17.Aftr boy done,D bowd,kissed,wept;J:go,sworn
friendship,D left,Jon bk2town(41-42)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.Jonathan’s and Michal’s love for David, Saul’s fear
Principle: Perfect love, found in Christ, casts out fear.
2.Saul’s order to kill David, Michal deceives, David
escapes to Samuel
Principle: No one can outrun and hide from God.
3.Jonathan confirms Saul’s desire to kill David and David
Principle: The best place to go is where God sends you.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
David, loved by Jonathan and Michal, is feared by Saul.
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK God is able to alleviate our fears and guide us in
the right path, protecting us all the way.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.In what area(s) of your life is fear (rather than love)
ruling your thoughts and actions?
2.Where do you run when you’re afraid? Is this where you should be running?
3.What have you walked away from (or do you need to walk
away from) to do God’s will?