Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.T4, now condemnation 4those in CJ (1)
2.bec thru CJ,law of Spirit who gives life has set u free
frm law of sin&death(2)
3.4what law pwrless2do bec weaknd by flesh,G did sendg
Son in lkness of sinful flesh2b sin offring(3a) He condemd sin in flesh that rteous requremt o’law
might be met in us who live acc2Spirit(3b-4)
5.those who live acc2flesh hv minds set on what flesh
6.those who live acc2Spirit hv minds set on what Spirit
7.mind governed by flesh=death but mind governed by
8.mind governed by flesh=hostile2G;submit2G’s law,
nor can it do so(7)
9.Those in realm of flesh cannot please God(8)
10.U in realm of flesh but in realm of Spirit,if
G’s Spirit lives in u; if any1 have Spirit of C,they belong2C(9)
11.But if C in u, even thou r body subject to death bec
of sin, Spirit gives life bec of rtness(10)
12.&if Spirit o Him who raised J=living in u,He will
give life2ur mortal bodies bec His Spirit liv in u(11)
13.T4 bro&sis, we have obligation – but not2flesh, 2
live acc 2 it(12)
14.4if u live acc2flesh,u’ll die;but if by Spirit u
put2death misdeeds of body,u’ll live(13)
15.4those who are led by the Spirit of God are the
children of God(14)
16.Spirit u recd make u slaves so u live in fear
again;rather Spirit u rec brought ur adoption2sonship(15a)
17.and by Him we cry, “Abba, Father” (15b)
18.Spirit himself testifies w/our Spirit that we are
God’s children(16) if we children, we heirs of G and
20.if we share in His sufferings in order that we also
share glory(17b)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.There is no condemnation for those in Christ (1-4)
Principle: Jesus saves His people from God’s wrath.
2.Living according to the Spirit indicates you belong to
God (5-11)
Principle: Jesus brings satisfying life in the Spirit.
3.Those led by the Spirit are Children of God (12-17)
Principle: Jesus shares His inheritance with His people.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Paul tells Romans: there’s no condemnation for children
of God.
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK Believers in Christ are not condemned, but are
God’s Children and will share in Christ’s inheritance.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
life change):
1.How has the knowledge that there is no condemnation for
those in Christ changed your thinking about your relationship with Jesus and
your pursuit of godliness?
2.In what ways has living according to fleshly desires
failed to provide lasting satisfaction and how has living according to the
Spirit brought genuine fulfillment to your life (or the life of a friend)?
3.If you are a believer, how has the knowledge that you
are a child of God impacted your relationships with God and others and your
service to Christ? If you’re not a
believer, how does knowing that believers enjoy this relationship with God
affect your decision to become a follower of Christ?