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Homiletics - Romans 15

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                                                                Who?

We strong bear w/failings of weak, not to please ourselves; please neighbors to build them up.
Christ did not please self: insults have fallen on me.
Everything in past written to teach us so thru endurance taught in Scriptures and encouragement, we have hope.
May God Who gives endurance/encouragement give you attitude toward each other Christ had so you glorify God.
Accept another as Christ accepted you to bring praise to God.
Christ become servant of Jews so promised to patriarchs confirmed & Gents glorify G for mercy, written: I praise you among Gents; rejoice Gents w/His ppl; praise L, Gents, let all extol Him; Isa: Root of Jesse spring up, rule, in Him Gents hope.
May G of hope fill you w/joy & peace as you trust so you overflow w/hope by H.S.
I convinced you full of goodness, knowledge, competent to instruct one another.
I written you boldly to remind you bec of grace God gave me to minister to Gents – priestly duty of proclaiming Gospel so Gents bec offering acceptable to G, sanctified by H.S.
I glory in C is svc to G.
I not venture speak anything except what C accomplished thru me by pwr of signs/wonders thru Spirit; so from Jerus to Illyricum I proclaimed Gospel.
Always been my ambition to preach Gospel where Christ already known so I not build on someone else’s foundation.
Written: those not told about him will see, those who haven’t heard will understand.
This why I often hindered from coming, no more work in these regions & I’ve been longing years to visit you; when I go Spain I hope to see you & have you assist on my journey.
Now I on way to Jerus, Macedonia & Achaia make contribution for poor L’s ppl in Jerus.
They pleased to & owe it, if Gents share Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe mat’l blessings.
After I make sure they rec’d contribution, I go Spain, visit you on way; I come in full blessing of C.
I urge you by JC & love of Spirit, join me praying I kept safe from unbelievers in Judea and contribution favorably rec’d so I come to you w/joy by G’s will & in your co. be refreshed; G of peace be w/you.  Amen.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

The attitude of Christ brings praise to God
When Christ is manifest, even in our attitude, God is glorified.
Instructing  each other about Christ
All believers are called to proclaim the message of the Gospel.
Paul’s planned schedule
God’s will is sovereign over our plans – especially those regarding His kingdom.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Paul encourages Christ’s attitude and shares plans to visit Rome.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT know and desire the attitude of Christ and through prayer and cooperation with God and His Word to achieve that attitude.



How might the strong bear with the failings of the weak?
In what way do you please neighbors to build them up?  How have you sacrificed pleasing yourself?
What insults have you heard that Christ actually took upon Himself on your behalf?
What passages of Scripture have given you hope?
How would you describe the attitude of Christ?  Use Scripture to support your answer.
What aspects of His attitude need to become part of your attitude?  How will you achieve this?
How might you accept another as Christ accepted you to bring praise to God?
In what way are you a servant to the Jews?  To the Gentiles?
In what is your hope?
What part might the apostle Paul have played in your salvation?  Name some other “Pauls” in your conversion story.  Are you a “Paul” to anyone else?
In what areas are you allowing God to use you to instruct others?
Why might proclaiming the Gospel be a priestly duty?  How are you engaging in this activity?
How is glorying in Christ a service to God?
What has Christ accomplished through you by the power of signs and wonders through the Spirit?
Where are you proclaiming the Gospel?
What is the benefit of proclaiming the Gospel where Christ is already known?
What does it mean that “those not told about him will see, those who haven’t heard will understand”?
What work have you been longing to do for the Lord but have been hindered from doing?
What are your plans to serve the Lord?
In what way could you solicit the help of fellow believers in your service to the Lord?
How will you pray for Christian leaders this week?
What will you ask others to pray for you?
How are you refreshed in the company of other believers?
In what way will you refresh another believer today?



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