written 12 March 2014
Contents (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture): Where?
Jerusalem (Temple?) Who? Jesus, Pharisees, Herodians, Sadducees,
Multitude, Disciples
Pharisees took counsel how entangle Him; sent Herodians:
Master, thou art true, teachest way of God, regardest not person of men;
lawful give Caesar tribute?
J perceived wickedness: why tempt me, hypocrites; shew
tribute money, they brought penny; Whose image/superscription; They:
Caesar’s, J:give Caesar Caesar’s and God God’s; they marveled, left.
Same day Sadducees, say no resurrection: Master, if man
die no children, brother marry wife raise seed unto brother; 7 bros, first
married, deceased, left wife to bro, likewise second, third, unto seventh;
woman died; in resurrection, whose wife she be?
J: Ye err, not knowing
scriptures/power of God; in resurrection neither marry but are as angels;
have ye not read: I am God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; God not God of dead but
living; multitude astonished, Pharisees heard He put Saducees to
One of them, lawyer, tempting: Master, which is great
commandment in law; J: love God with all heart, soul, mind; this 1st
and great commandment; 2nd like it – love neighbor as thyself; on
these hang all law/prophets.
J: what think of Christ, whose son is he; P: David; J: how
David in spirit call him Lord – Lord unto my Lord, sit thou my rt hand till I
make enemies footstool; if D call him Lord, how He his son; no man able to
answer, neither any man ask any more questions.
J to mult/Disc: scribes/Phar in Moses’ seat, all they bid
you observe, observe/do, do not after their works, they say and do not; they
bind heavy burdens men’s shoulders, they not move them with their fingers;
their works to be seen of men, broad phylacteries, enlarge borders of
garments, love uppermost rooms at feasts/chief seats in synagogues/greetings
in markets/to be called Rabbi,Rabbi.
Be not called Rabbi, master – Christ, ye brethren; call no
man father, one Father – heaven; neither be called masters, Master = Christ;
greatest be servant; whoever exalt himself abased, he that humble himself
Woe scribes/Phar, hypocrites, ye shut up koh against men,
ye neither go in/suffer them entering go in; woe s/P, hypocrites, devour
widows houses, for pretense make long prayer, ye receive greater damnation;
woe s/P, hyp, compass sea/land to make ne proselyte, when made, ye make him
more child of hell than yourselves.
Woe blind guides, say, swear by temple is nothing, but
whoever swear by gold in temple is debtor; fools/blind – greater gold or
temple that sanctifieth; swear by altar is nothing, swear by gift upon it,
guilty; fools/blind – greater gift or altar that sanctifieth
Whoso swear by altar, swear by it/all things thereon;
whoso swear by temple, swear by it/Him that dwelleth therein; he that swear
by heaven, swear by throne of God and Him that sitteth thereon.
Woe s/P, hyp, pay tithe (mint, anise, cumin), omitted
weightier matters of law, judgment, mercy, faith; these ought ye have done
and not leave other undone; ye blind guides, strain gnat, swallow camel; woe
s/P, hyp, make clean outside cup/platter, within full of extortion/excess;
blind P, cleanse first within cup/platter that outside clean also.
Woe s/P, hyp, like whited sepulchers, appear beautiful,
full of dead bones/all uncleanness; appear righteous, full of
hypocrisy/iniquity; woe s/P, hyp, build tombs of prophets/garnish sepulchers
of righteous/say would not have been partakers in blood of prophets; be
witnesses unto yourselves – ye children of them that killed prophets; fill ye
up measure of fathers.
Serpents, gen of vipers – how escape damnation; I send
prophets, wise men, scribes; ye kill/crucify/scourge in synagogues/persecute;
upon you all righteous blood shed on earth from Abel unto Zacharias (son of
Barachias) slew between temple and altar; all these come upon this gen.
Jerus, Jerus, that killest prophets/stonest them sent, how
often would I have gathered children as hen gathereth chickens and ye would
not; behold your house desolate; ye not see me till ye say, Blessed he that
cometh in name of Lord.
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):
Pharisees took counsel how entangle; sent Herodians:
Master, lawful give Caesar tribute; J perceived wickedness: shew tribute
money, Whose image/superscription; They: Caesar’s, J:give Caesar Caesar’s/God
God’s; they marveled, left; Same day Sadducees (no resurrection): Master, if
man die no children, brother marry wife raise seed unto brother; 7 bros,
first married, deceased, left wife to bro, likewise second, third, unto
seventh; in resurrection, whose wife she be; J: Ye err, not knowing
scriptures/power of God; in resurrection neither marry, as angels; have ye
not read: I am God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; not God of dead but living;
multitude astonished, Pharisees gathered; One of them, lawyer, tempting:
Master, which is great cmdmt; J: love God with all heart, soul, mind; this 1st/great
cmdmt; 2nd like it – love neighbor as self; on these hang all
law/prophets; J: Christ, whose son is he; P: David; J: how David in spirit
call him Lord – Lord unto my Lord, sit thou my rt hand till I make enemies
footstool; if D call him Lord, how He his son; no man able to answer, neither
ask more questions.
If we know Scripture and the power of God, we know the
We are commanded to love God and others.
Christ’s questions lead people to deeper understanding and
J to mult/Disc: scribes/Phar in Moses’ seat, all they bid,
observe/do, do not after their works, they say and do not; bind heavy burdens
men’s shoulders, not move them; their works to be seen of men, broad phylacteries,
enlarge borders of garments, love uppermost rooms/chief seats/greetings/be
called Rabbi,Rabbi; Be not called Rabbi, master = Christ, ye brethren; call
no man father, one Father – heaven; neither be called masters, Master =
Christ; greatest be servant; whoever exalt himself abased, he that humble
himself exalted.
Don’t follow leaders who don’t walk the talk.
God will exalt those who seek to make a name for Him
rather than themselves.
Woe scribes/Phar, hypocrites, shut koh against men,
neither go in/suffer them entering go in; devour widows houses, for pretense
make long prayer, receive greater damnation; compass sea/land to make
proselyte, make him more child of hell than yourselves; Woe blind guides:
swear by temple is nothing, but whoever swear by gold in temple is debtor;
fools/blind – greater gold or temple that sanctifieth; swear by altar is
nothing, swear by gift upon it, guilty; fools/blind – greater gift or altar
that sanctifieth; Whoso swear by altar, swear by it/all thereon; whoso swear
by temple, swear by it/Him that dwelleth therein; he that swear by heaven,
swear by throne of God and Him that sitteth thereon; Woe s/P, hyp, pay tithe
(mint, anise, cumin), omitted weightier matters of law, judgment, mercy,
faith; these ought ye have done and not leave other undone; blind guides,
strain gnat, swallow camel; woe s/P, hyp, make clean outside cup/platter,
within full of extortion/excess; blind P, cleanse within cup/platter, outside
clean also; Woe s/P, hyp, like whited sepulchers, appear beautiful, full of
dead bones/all uncleanness; appear righteous, full of hypocrisy/iniquity;
build tombs of prophets/garnish sepulchers of righteous/say would not have
been partakers in blood of prophets; be witnesses unto yourselves – ye children
of them that killed prophets; fill ye up measure of fathers; Serpents, gen of
vipers – how escape damnation; I send prophets, wise men, scribes; ye
kill/crucify/scourge/persecute; upon you all righteous blood shed on earth
from Abel unto Zacharias (son of Barachias) slew between temple and altar;
all these come upon this gen; Jerus, Jerus, that killest prophets/stonest
them sent, how often would I have gathered children as hen gathereth chickens
and ye would not; behold your house desolate; ye not see me till ye say,
Blessed he that cometh in name of Lord.
Following legalistic rules to be perceived as righteous is
a damning practice.
It’s not our outside appearance that makes us holy, but an
inside that has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
Jesus is willing to gather all sinners to Himself.
Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):
Pharisees attempt to entangle Jesus, Who teaches humility
and woes.
Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):
TCMAT seek to be humble in their walk with Christ.
What was the Pharisees’ relationship with the Herodians
and the Sadducees?
What is unique about the Herodians’ question for Jesus?
What is intriguing about the Sadducees’ question for
What does the fact that God is the God of the living, not
the dead, mean for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and you?
How have you lived out the 1st and 2nd
greatest commandments this week?
How can Jesus be David’s son when David calls Him Lord?
In what areas of your life are you talking the talk but
not walking the walk?
In what way have you served God alone, not to be seen by
What practices do you observe to humble yourself?
How have you experienced God’s exaltation because of your
How would you summarize the woes Jesus proclaimed against
the Pharisees?
What does it mean to strain a gnat and swallow a
camel? Can you share a practical
Explain how the Pharisees are like whited sepulchers. Do you know anyone like this? Don’t name names.
In what way was the house of Jerusalem desolate?