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Homiletics Matthew 21:18-22:14

written 6 March 2014

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                  Jerusalem         Who?  Jesus, Disciples, chief priests, Pharisees

In morning, He returned into city/hungered; saw fig tree, nothing but leaves: Let no fruit grow on thee for ever, tree withered.
D saw/marveled: how soon tree withered; J: if ye have faith/doubt not, ye do this, also say to mtn: be thou removed/cast into sea, it shall be done; all things ask in prayer, ye receive.
Temple, chief priests/elders: by what authority doest these things, who gave authority; J: I ask, if ye tell, I tell by what authority; baptism of John, from heaven or of men; they reasoned: if we say heaven, he say why not believe; if we say men, we fear people, hold John as prophet: answered: we cannot tell; J: neither I tell by what authority.
J: A man had 2 sons, came to first: go work in vineyard; he said: I will not, but went; came to second: I go, went not; whether did will of father; they: first; J: publicans/harlots into koG before you; John came in righteousness, ye believed not, publicans/harlots believed, when ye seen, repented not that ye might believe.
Another parable: householder planted vineyard, hedged, digged winepress, built tower, let to husbandmen, went far; time of fruit near, sent servants; husbandmen beat one, killed another, stoned another; sent other servants more, they did likewise; last he sent son – they will reverence; husbandmen: this is heir, let us kill him, seize inheritance; they caught, cast him out, slew him; when lord of vineyard cometh, what he do husbandmen; They: he miserably destroy wicked men, will let out unto other husbandmen which render fruit.
J: ever read in scriptures – stone builders rejected become head of corner: this the Lord’s doing, marvelous in our eyes; koG taken from you, given nation bringing fruits; whosoever fall on stone broken, but on whomsoever it fall will grind him to powder.
Chief priests/Pharisees heard, perceived he spake of them; when they sought lay hands on him, feared multitude because they took Him for prophet.
J: koh like certain king, made marriage for son, sent servants to call them to wedding, they not come; again sent servants: I have dinner, come unto marriage; they made light, went their ways, remnant took servants, slew them; when king heard, sent armies, destroyed murderers, burned city; to servants: wedding ready, they bidden not worthy; go highway, as many as ye find, bid to the marriage.
Servants went/gathered bad and good, wedding furnished w/guests; king came, saw man had not on wedding garment; K: how camest thou not having wedding garment; he speechless; K: bind him hand/foot, cast into outer darkness, there weeping/gnashing of teeth; many called, few chosen.


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Jesus interacts with the fig tree.
Anything we ask for in faith we will receive because God gives us our faith to begin with.
Jesus interacts with the chief priests and Pharisees.
Those who obey God are received by Him and blessed.
Those who reject and/or kill those sent by God will be utterly destroyed.
If we fall on the cornerstone, we will be broken but if He falls on us, we will be pulverized.
Jesus tells the parable of the wedding dinner.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Jesus withers a fig tree and tells three parables.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):





 I wish I had completed this one.


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