The third installment in the “Missions of Mercy” series, “Undercover Pursuit”, is an incredibly enjoyable reading experience! I laughed out loud at the situation as the book opened and became instantly invested in these characters. SMW has a gift for drawing her readers into her novels. The prose is so well written that it plays like a movie in my imagination in complete Technicolor and Surround Sound!
Luke Dekker, another operative with Stryker International, is on a mission to protect a CIA informant. Scarlett Hanson is on a mission to get her sister married to her former crush. When Luke meets Scarlett, he assumes that she is his date, and an agent sent to protect his informant. Scarlett knew her sister would try to set her up with someone during the wedding, but never imagined he’d be as amazing as Luke! This comical case of mistaken identity quickly takes a serious turn when the terrorists suspect that something isn’t quite right.
This novel is an amazing roller-coaster ride that you will not want to put down! Start it early on a lazy day, and you can probably read it in one sitting.
Luke Dekker, another operative with Stryker International, is on a mission to protect a CIA informant. Scarlett Hanson is on a mission to get her sister married to her former crush. When Luke meets Scarlett, he assumes that she is his date, and an agent sent to protect his informant. Scarlett knew her sister would try to set her up with someone during the wedding, but never imagined he’d be as amazing as Luke! This comical case of mistaken identity quickly takes a serious turn when the terrorists suspect that something isn’t quite right.
This novel is an amazing roller-coaster ride that you will not want to put down! Start it early on a lazy day, and you can probably read it in one sitting.