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Showing posts from February, 2023

Homiletics: Isaiah 49-57

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.Listen, b4 born L called me;u Israel, display my splendor;u light Gentiles;Holy One chosen u(Is 49:1-7) 2.L:I ans/help/keep u;I turn mts into rds;rejoice, L comforts His ppl;engraved u palms hands(Isa 49:8-16) 3.tho u ruind,now too sm4ppl;gv more space;who bore these;I ur Savior,Redemr,Mighty1(Isa 49:17-26) 4.When I came/called why no1 ans;offered back,cheeks, hide face;Sov L helps me,I disgraced (Isa 50:1-11) 5.Listen,u who seek L,look to rock;Abraham, Sarah;Listen;my salvation lasts forever(Isa 51:1-8) 6.Those L rescued will retn w/singing,sorrow flee;you fear mortals;forget L(Isa 51:9-16) 7.Rise up Jerus;I have taken cup wrath,u nvr drink again;put into hands tormentors(Isa 51:17-23) 8.How beautiful mts ft bring good news, Your God reigns(Isa 52:1-8) 9.all earth see salvation God;L go before you,be rear guard(Isa 52:9-15) 10.Who believed msg;we all gone astray, L laid on him inquity of ...

Homiletics: Isaiah 40-48

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.comfort my ppl;glory L revealed;wd G endures forever;Sov L comes w/power(Isa 40:1-11) 2.w/whom u comp G;He sits enthroned above earth/ grow tired;those hope L renewed str(Isa 40:11-31) 3.Is I called/chosen u;I am ur G;those who war v u nothing(Isa 41:1-14) 4.I mk u threshing sledge;I mk rivers flow;so ppl see know L done this(Isa 41:15-20) 5.Present case;ur works worthless;no one give answer;their images are wind/confusion(Isa 41:21-29) servant,Spirit on him, bring justice;his teaching Islands hope;sing L new song(Isa 42:1-10) 7.L march lk champion,battle cry triumph;which listen/pay attn.;they understand (Isa 42:11-25) 8.Jacob, fear , I redeemed,u mine;I love u;u my witnesses;apart from me no savior(Isa 43:1-11) 9.I G;when I act who can reverse;I L, Holy One, Creator, King(Isa 43:12-17) 10. dwell past;doing new thing;I blots out transgressions(Isa 43:18-28) 11.listen Jacob; afraid...

A Valentine's Day Message of Salvation and Rescue

In Isaiah 40-48, we see some incredible images that mirror very familiar New Testament passages.  Addressed to Judah and Judah’s descendants, these passages speak some beautiful encouragement to God’s people.  Could you use some encouragement today?  God repeatedly tells Judah not to be afraid.  He also tells them, “I will rescue you.”  Those messages are just as valid today for the believing disciples of Jesus Christ as they were back in the time of Isaiah. He created you.   He formed you.   He redeemed you.   He called you.   You are His!   He is with you.   He wants to be your Lord and Savior.   You are precious in His sight.   You are honored and He loves you.   He wants to walk with you so you do not fear.   He has ransomed you.   He has invested in you.   You are His treasure! Salvation is the Big Idea of these chapters of Scripture.   Rescue is another way of thinking of it.   But h...

Isaiah 6 Devotional

Challenges have their place in our lives. Don’t they?  Challenges have a way of bringing us to focus on the Lord like nothing else.  It is in the “hard times” we hit our knees in desperation.  Generally, people strive for independence.  We want to be self-sufficient.  We don’t want to be a burden to anyone.  Am I alone in this?  Our nation taught us this.  Our parents taught us this, maybe?  I know I taught my kids to take care of themselves.  But God has a way of bringing us to the end of ourselves so we finally realize we need Him!  Doesn’t He?  He teaches us in Scripture that we are part of a body.  Not the whole body, but just a part of it.  So, you see, dependence is a critical principle in God’s economy.  That topsy-turvy way of thinking that He has, and wants to impart to His people.  Let that soak in and transform your mind to be more like Christ’s.   Today, we’re looking at Isaiah chapter 6...

Homiletics: Isaiah 6

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.y King Uzziah died I saw L high, exalted, seated throne,train robe filled temple (Isa 6:1) 2.above Him seraphim, each w/6 wings:2 covered faces,2 covered feet,2 flying (Isa 6:2) 3.they calling:holy holy holy L Almighty, whole earth full His glory (Isa 6:3) sound their voices doorposts/thresholds shook, temple filled smoke (Isa 6:4) 5.Woe! I ruined! Man unclean lips, live among ppl unclean lips,my eyes seen King, L Almighty (Isa 6:5) seraphim flew me w/live coal in hand,taken w/tongs from altar (Isa 6:6) 7.touched my mouth, said:this touched lips,guilt taken away,sin atoned for (Isa 6:7)   8.I heard voice L:whom I send? Who go for us? I:here am I. send me. (Isa 6:8) 9.He:go, tell ppl: be ever hearing, never understanding; ever seeing, never perceiving (Isa 6:9) heart ppl calloused,ears dull,close eyes,otherwise might see,hear,undstd,turn,be healed (Isa 6:10) 11.I:how...