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Homiletics Acts 2


Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.Pentecost together;sound violent wind from heaven;tongues fire separated rest(1-3)

2.filled HS other tongues;G-fearing Jews every nation;bewilderment heard own language(4-6)

3.Galileans?;how our native language?;Parthians,Medes,Elamites,Mesopotamia,Judea,Cappadocia(7-9a)

4.Pontus,Asia;Phrygia,Pamphylia,Egypt,Libya nr Cyrene,Rome;Cretans,Arabs,declaring wonders G(9b-11)

5.amazed perplexed:what this mean?;some made fun:wine(12-13)


6.P:listen;drunk,9 morning;this spoken prophet Joel;last days pour Spirit;men women,prophesy(14-18)

7.wonders blood,fire,smoke;sun2dkness,moon2blood b4day L;every1 calls name L saved(19-21)

8.J accredited by G;handed over G’s plan,death cross;G raised(22-24)

9.David:L always before me;heart glad,tongue rejoice;let holy 1 decay;fill me joy Your presence(25-28)

10.David died,tomb here;knew G place desc throne;spoke resurr of Mess;G raised J,we witnesses(29-32)

11.He rec’d promised HS,poured;David:sit rt hand;mk enemies footstool;G made J L&Mess(33-36)

12.Ppl cut2<3,what we do?;P:repent,baptized,rec HS;promise4all G call;save selves corrupt gen(37-40)

13.those accepted baptized 3000(41)


14.devoted apost teaching,fellowship,bread,prayer(41-42)

15.everyone awe wonders signs;believers together everything in common(43-44)

16.sold property possessions,gave;every day ate together;praising,L added daily saved(45-47)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.On Pentecost, Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, some were amazed and some made fun(1-13)

Principle:  The Holy Spirit draws God’s people together.

2.Peter speaks about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and 3000 repented(14-41)

Principle:  When the Holy Spirit is poured out, people repent.

3.The repenters learned, fellowshipped, ate and prayed together and the Lord added daily to the saved(42-47)

Principle:  The Holy Spirit at work grows God’s church.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Spirit-filled Peter speaks, 3000 repent and the saved grow daily.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK Salvation through Jesus releases the Holy Spirit, enabling and empowering God’s people to live for Him.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.What is keeping you from being more amazed by the Holy Spirit and His activity?

2.Where are you bearing evidence of the Holy Spirit’s outpouring in your life?

3.How is the Holy Spirit’s work in your life growing the church?

NIV Observations:

2:1 “they” – the Apostles?

2:6 – the sound could be heard from outside, apparently.  A crowd gathered.

2:11 – Apostles declared the wonders of God

2:12 – some were amazed and perplexed (and curious)

2:13 – some made fun of them (how does this even make sense? Too much wine wouldn’t help a Galilean speak a foreign language.  In fact, too much wine can mess up your ability to speak!)

2:16-21 – Joel 2:28-32

2:25-28 – Psalm 16:8-11 (Septuagint)

2:34-35 – Psalm 110:1

2:41 – how long to baptize 3000 people?

2:42 – devoted themselves to Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, prayer – so they stayed in Jerusalem?  Didn’t return home?

2:47 – enjoying the favor of all the people?  Some people still wanted them dead.


Parallel Observations:



Identify People and Other Beings:


God-fearing Jews from every nation (Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, Libya (near Cyrene), Rome, Cretans, Arabs)


The Eleven


Cross References:



Erica Fauz said…
THank you so much for the motivation scripture! Praise God

Box-n-Go Cheap Self-Storage

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