Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.J went across Jordan, ppl, taught;Phar:lawful divorce?
What Mos cmd? Mos permitted div(10:1-4)
2.bec heart hard Mos wrote;at beginning G md m/f;m lv
fr/mr, united wife;2 bec 1;G joined(5-9)
3.disc asked; div wife,marries another,adultery;div
husb,marries another,adultery(10-12)
4.ppl bringing children,disc rebuke;let children cm,koG
belongs2these;any1 rec koG lk child enter(13-15)
5.took children, blessed;man:gd tchr,inherit eternal
life? No1 gd except G;you know cmdmts(16-19)
6.kept since boy;sell everythg,gv2poor;face fell,went
sad;hard4rich enter koG;hard enter koG(20-24)
7.easier camel eye of needle;disc:who can be saved?all
possible w/G(25-27)
8.P:we left everythg;no1 left 4me fail to rec100x;first
last, last first;2Jerus,disc astonished(28-32)
9.going to Jerus,SoM death;mock, spit, flog, kill, 3d
rise;Jas/Jn:do whatever we ask;what;sit rt/lt(33-37)
10.u know what ask, u drink cup? We can, you
will;not4me2grant;10 indignant w/Jas/Jn(38-41)
11.rulers of Gents authority;become great,be
servant;first must be slave;SoM serve,gv life(42-45)
12.Jericho Bartimaeus begging;J have mercy;many rebuked,
shouted more;J:call him(46-49)
13.jumped to feet;what want? to see;faith healed, immed
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.Jesus teaches about marriage and divorce (10:1-12)
Principle: God
guides His people into righteousness.
2.Jesus teaches about salvation and reward (10:13-41)
Principle: Living
for God brings reward now and in eternity.
3.Jesus teaches and demonstrates service (10:42-52)
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Jesus teaches about marriage, divorce, salvation, service
and heals Bartimaeus.
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK God is constantly transforming (sanctifying) His
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.What is God leading you away from that He had permitted
in the past because your heart was hard?
2.How has Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross made you more
3.How is Jesus healing (preparing to heal) you right now?