Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.J went across Jordan, ppl, taught;Phar:lawful divorce? What Mos cmd? Mos permitted div(10:1-4) 2.bec heart hard Mos wrote;at beginning G md m/f;m lv fr/mr, united wife;2 bec 1;G joined(5-9) 3.disc asked; div wife,marries another,adultery;div husb,marries another,adultery(10-12) 4.ppl bringing children,disc rebuke;let children cm,koG belongs2these;any1 rec koG lk child enter (13-15) 5.took children, blessed;man:gd tchr,inherit eternal life? No1 gd except G;you know cmdmts(16-19) 6.kept since boy;sell everythg,gv2poor;face fell,went sad;hard4rich enter koG;hard enter koG(20-24) 7.easier camel eye of needle;disc:who can be saved?all possible w/G(25-27) 8.P:we left everythg;no1 left 4me fail to rec100x;first last, last first;2Jerus,disc astonished(28-32) 9.going to Jerus,SoM death;mock, spit, flog, kill, 3d rise;Jas/Jn:do whatever we ask;what;sit rt/lt(33-37) 10.u know what ask,...
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