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Showing posts from May, 2019

Homiletics Luke 4:14-44

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 4:14-15 J retd Gal pwr Sprt,news sprd abt Hm thru ctrysd;He tchg syngog,evry1 praisd Hm 16 He went Naz,ou He brt up,Sabbat He went syngog,as was His custom,stood2read 17-18a scroll Isa hnd2Hm,unrollng,He found ou wrtn:Spirt L on me,He anoint me2proclm gd news2poor 18b-19 snt me prclm freedm4prisnrs,recvry of sight4blind,2set opprssd free;2prclm yr L’s favor 20-21 rolld scroll,gv bk2attndt,sat;eyes evry1 on Hm;”2day,this fulfilld in ur hearing” 22 All spk well Hm&amazd at gracious wds frm His lips,”Isn’t this Jos’s son?” 23 J:”surely u quote pr2me:’Phys,heal self’&u tell me:’do here in ur hmtwn wht we heard u did Capern’” 24-26 “no proph accptd hmtwn;mny widow Is Elijah’s time-sky shut3½y/famine; E sent 2them,Zarephath 27-28 mny Is w/leprosy Elisha,not1cleansd-only Naaman the Syrian” 28-29 all ppl syngog furious whn heard this;drove Hm out twn2hill2throw Hm off cliff ...

Homiletics Luke 3:1-4:13

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 3:1-2 15 th yTiberias,Pilate Gov,Herod Galilee,Phil Iturea/Traconitis,Lysanias Abilene;Annas/Caia,wd2Jn 3-4 all around Jordan preachg baptism repntnce4forgvnss sins;Isaiah-voce callng wildnss prep way4L 5-8 evry valley filled,mt/hill low,rds strt;all see G’s salv;Jn2crowds:brood vipers! Prod fruit repentnc 9-14 axe@root;what we do?;2shirt-share,food;tax coll came; collect mo than req;soldat,be contnt$ 15-18 ppl wonder Jn Mess;I bap h20,1>pwrfl bap HS/fire;gather wheat,burn chaff;Jn proclm gd news 19-20 Jn rebuk Herod marriage/evil;Jn prison   21-22 J bap,hvn open,voce frm hvn:U Son,love,pleased 23-25 J 30yo mnstry,son Jos-Heli-Matthat-Levi-Melki-Jannai-Jos-Mattathias-Amos-Nahum-Elsi-Naggai 26-28a Maath-Mattathias-Semein-Josek-Joda-Joanan-Rhesa-Zerubbabel-Shealtiel-Neri-Melki-Addi 28b-30 Cosam-Elmadam-Er-Joshua-Eliezer-Jorim-Matthat-Levi-Simeon-Judah-Joseph-Jonam-Eli...

Homiletics Luke 1-2

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1:1-4 acct handed dn,I investg8d,write4u Theo,u know certainty thing u been taught   5-10 time of Herod, Zech/Eliz desc Aaron,rteous,childless,old,Zech srvg tmpl incense,wrshprs prayg 11-15 aoL,rt of altar inc,Zech fear; be afraid ;ur prayr heard,Eliz son John,grt,nvr wine,filld w/S b4 born 16-20 he brng bk ppl2L;sprit/pwr Elijh;mk rdy ppl4L;Z:how I sure?I Gab,std presnc G,u silnt bec believ 21-31 ppl waitg Z,cm out,speak,svc cmplt,home,Eliz preg,5mo seclusn,6mo a2Mary:u favr w/G,son,J 32-38He grt,SonMostHigh,L gv throne D,reign4evr;M:how?a:HS;Eliz6 th mo; word G fail;I L’s svt,a left 39-56 M2Eliz,bby leapd,E filld HS;blessd=child;M:soul glorfy L;He perf mty deeds;M stay3mo,ret home 57-64 Eliz,birth,nghbrs shard joy;8 th d,circ,mothr:John;ppld md signs2fr,he wrote John,beg2spk,prs G 65-74 Z filld HS,prphsied:prs L he cm2ppl redeem,raisd hrn salv,sho mercy,rescue,enable srv w/o fear 76-...