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Homiletics: Jude

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.Jude,svt JC/bro James,2 those calld, loved in G/Fr&kept4JC:mercy,pc,lv b urs in abundance(1-2)

2.Friends,tho I eager write u abt salv we share,I compelld write/urge u2cntnd4faith entrstd2G’s ppl(3)

3.indiv whose condemn8n written abt long ago slipd in among u,ungodly,pervert grace,deny JC(4)


4.L del’d ppl Egypt/l8r destroyd those believe;angels who abandnd propr dwellg,He bound4jdgmt(5-6)

5.Sodom/Gom/surr towns gave selves up2 sex imm/perv.They ex of those who suffr pun of etern fire(7)

6.same way on strgth o dreams,these ungdly ppl pollute own bods/rej authrty/heap abus celestials(8)

7.even AAMichael,when disputg dvl abt body Moses,himself dare condemn him,”L rebuke you”(9)

8.these ppl slandr what undrstd,& thgs undrstd by instinct’ll destroy em:Woe! Takn way of Cain(10-11a)

9.rushd in2 Balaam’s error;destroyd in Korah’s reblln;blemishs@lv feasts;shep who feed selvs(11b-12a)

10.clouds rain,autmn trees fruit/uprooted,2x dead;wild waves foaming shame;wandrng stars(12b-13)

11.Enoch,7th frm Adam,proph:L cming w/1000s holy1s2jdg all ungdly acts/defiant wds spkn v.Him(14-15)

12.these grumblers/faultfinders follow own evil desires;boast&flatter others4own adv(16)


13.Rem what apostles of LJC 4told:In last x will be scoffers who follow own ungdly desires(17-18)

14.these ppl divid u,follow nat’l instinct,have Spirit(19)

15.U,by bldg up in f8th&prayg in Spirit,keep selvs in G’s lv as u w8 4mercy o LJC bring u2etrn life(20-21)

16.Be mercifl2those who doubt;save others by snatching them from fire(22-23a)

17.2others show mercy mixd w/fear-h8ing even clothing stained by corrupted flesh(23b)

18.2Him able2keep u frm stumbling&present u b4 His glorious presence w/o fault&w/great joy(24)

19.2the only G our Savior b glry,majesty,pwr&authrty thr JC our L.b4 all ages,now&4evrmore!Amen(25)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Jude’s Greeting and Purpose for Writing (1-4)

Principle:  Christians should encourage each other and keep each other accountable to mature the church and its people.

2.Lessons From Old Testament History (5-16)

Principle:  Christians should learn from the mistakes of the past so we don’t repeat them.

3.Lessons from the Apostles/Applications for Today/Praise for Jesus (17-25)

Principle:  Christians should obey God’s Word to live a godly life and bring honor to Jesus.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Jude warns called: contend for faith, keep in God’s love.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATL Believers should apply what Scripture warns about bad attitudes and behavior and encourages good attitudes and behavior.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.What is God teaching you that would benefit other believers or encourage non-believers to at least consider the possibility of Christianity?

2.How have your beliefs or attitudes changed as a result of lessons you’ve learned from studying Scripture?

3.In what ways have you been encouraged by Scripture to adopt positive attitudes and behaviors?


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