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She Reads Truth Bible

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Lifeway for sending me a copy of "She Reads Truth Bible" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me.
After watching the promotional videos for the She Reads Truth Bible, I became very excited to use this resource.  Seeing how many different people came together to make this Bible a reality created in me an anticipation to use the maps, read the text, memorize the 66 key verses and read the devotionals.

The CSB She Reads Truth Bible in Gray Linen is an amazing way to interact with the Word of God.  There are several formats from which to choose: Genuine Brown Leather, Navy Leathertouch, Poppy Linen Hard Cover, Gray Linen Hardcover and Gray Hardcover.  Each contains the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) Version of the Scriptures, which I personally find to be an understandable and powerful translation to read and study.
While using the She Reads Truth Bible, this is what I discovered:

  • The linen cover can be tough to remove from the box because of the texture.  It did become easier to remove over time.  The hard cover edition is heavy.  I personally would’ve chosen the leather or leathertouch editions.  When I love the feel of my Bible, I want to use it more often.
  • The font is beautiful and easy to read.  The onion-skin pages are so thin, you can seek the text on the back of the page you’re reading and this can be distraction.  The key verses and corresponding key verse art is a beautiful feature.  Personally, the visual will help me with memorizing the key verses.  And once I memorize the key verses, I will have a clear book-by-book overview of the entire Bible!  Wow!!!
  • I really liked the “how to read the Bible” helps that explain what God’s Word is and how to approach, engage and apply Scripture. This help encourages prayerful reading and active response to the Word.  There is a clear presentation of the Gospel in the introduction pages which may be useful when you share with others.
  • The introduction to each book is short and sweet, but offers valuable insight into the book’s historical context, message and how it relates to the rest of the Bible.  Each book has a color-coded stripe in the margin of the title page to indicate the genre of the book.  This corresponds with a genre guide at the back of the Bible that identifies and tells you how to approach reading that genre.  There are charts and timelines sprinkled throughout the Bible that help put the text into perspective.  There are also engaging devotionals that help with life application.

This is a wonderful Bible that I highly recommend!


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