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Not Your Average Reading Challenge

This is not your average reading challenge.  You don’t have to read 50 books by the end of the year.  You don’t have to read a book by an author with the same initials as yours.  You don’t have to read a thriller or a classic or a book translated from in a foreign language.  I don’t belittle those types of challenges.  In fact, I completed two such lists this year.  But I’d like to issue a challenge of another sort.

Below, you will find a list of names.  Each is the moniker of a human being who openly lived for Christ and because of that, changed the world in Christ’s Name.  Read something by or about one or more of these individuals, not to glorify the individual but rather to see the work of God in others’ lives so we may better notice His work in ours.  This list is certainly not exhaustive.  If you’d like to add a name, please leave it as a comment on this post.  I pray this activity blesses you and inspires you to live out loud for Christ!

A.W. Tozer
Adoniram Judson
Amy Carmichael
Andrew Murray
Benjamin Broomhall
Bethany Hamilton
Betty Greene
Betty Olsen
Billy Graham
Billy Sunday
Brother Andrew
Brother Lawrence
Cameron Townsend
Captain John Birch
Charles Grandison Finney
Charles Judd
Charles Spurgeon
Clarence Jones
Corrie Ten Boom
Count Zinzendorf
C.S. Lewis
C.T. Studd
David Brainerd
David Bussau
David Livingstone
Dawson Trotman
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dixon Edward Hoste
D.L. Moody
Elisabeth Elliot
Eric Liddell
Eric Ludy
Fannie Crosby
Father Damien
Florence Young
Frances Ridley Havergal
Francis Asbury
Francis (and Edith) Schaeffer
Frank Laubach
Franklin Graham
G.K. Chesterton
George Muller
George Whitefield
Gladys Aylward
Harriet Tubman
Henry Martyn
Horatio Spafford
Hudson Taylor
Ida Scudder
Ignatius of Antioch
Irenaeus of Lyons
Isobel Kuhn
Jacob DeShazer
James W.C. Pennington
Jeanne Guyon
Jim Elliot
John Bunyan
John Calvin
John Eliot
John Lennox
John Newton
John Gibson Paton
John Stephen Piper
John Pollock
John Stott
John Wesley
John Williams
John Wycliffe
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Goforth
Ken Boa
Ken Taylor
Klaus-Dieter John
Lee Stroebel
Leonard Ravenhill
Lillian Trasher
Loren Cunninghan
Lottie Moon
Louis Zamperini
Luis Palau
Martin Luther
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mary Slessor
Mary Jo Sharp
Mike Benge (Betty Olsen’s co-captor)
Montagu Beauchamp
Mordecai Ham
Mother Teresa
Nate Saint
Norman Grubb
Paul Brand
Philip P. Bliss
R.C. Sproul
Rachel Saint
Ravi Zacharias
Richard Wurmbrand
Robert Moffat
Robert Murray McCheyne
Rowland Bingham
Saint Augustine
Samuel Morris
Samuel Zwemer
Sundar Singh
Thomas a Kempis
Watchman Nee
Wilfred Grenfell
William (and Catherine) Booth
William Carey
William Cowper
William David Rudland
William Tyndale
William Wilberforce
Xi Shengmo


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