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Bible Study: Battling For Perseverance In The Faith - Jude - verses 8-17

Please forgive this rough draft format, as these are my raw study notes on the book of Jude. I felt a great sense of urgency to publish them rather than waiting until I had the time to pretty them up. Thank you and I pray that God blesses and encourages you through this material. I’m not sure of the condition of the world at the time of this publication. But at the time of its writing, early 2009, things are looking pretty bleak with the economy and unemployment among other things. Natural disasters are happening – volcanic eruptions in Alaska and rising flood waters in North Dakota. Are these the first stages of birth pains? The last? God only knows. Stay strong. Encourage each other. Pray. Jesus is coming…


Take a few minutes to pray and savor the book of Jude again. Then return here and ponder the thoughts, answer the questions, and be sure to leave comments about your own revelations…

8 – In the same way, these “dreamers” (as people at that time referred to godless men) mistreated their bodies (name ways). They rejected authority (anarchy, dissention). They talk bad about celestial beings (God, angels, church leaders, preachers).

BATTLE: Unreliable leaders. How do we combat this? First, pray for your leaders. Second, protect yourself from being misled by testing everything a leader tells you against the Word of God!

9 – This is a powerful statement.

The archangel Michael is one of the chief princes according to Daniel 10:13. He is the great prince who protects “your people” (the Jews) according to Daniel 12:1. He is the angelic warrior who commands angels according to Revelation 12:7. His voice will be heard before Christ returns. See 1 Thessalonians 4:16.

Why would Michael dispute with the devil over Moses’ body? God, Himself, buried Moses and no one knows where. Deuteronomy 34:5-6. If the devil learned the whereabouts of Moses’ bones, don’t you think he would make sure they were found and identified and worshiped as an idol?

BATTLE: Spiritual warfare. Although we learned earlier that angels have certain authority, Michael didn’t bring slanderous accusation against the devil. He said, “The Lord rebuke you.” We would be wise to do the same.

10 – The godless men who have infiltrated Christian circles speak blasphemy against what they don’t understand (2 Peter 2:12). Their animal instincts lead to their demise because they know they’re on a path to eternal destruction.

BATTLE: Blasphemy. Lack of Understanding. Have you ever pretended to know more about a topic than you actually did just so people would listen to your expert opinion? I certainly have. Stop this practice, now. And test everything you hear or read against the Word of God! Memorize it so you know it.

11 – These ungodly men take the way of Cain, which is evil (1 John 3:12), not approaching God as He demands, not giving the best to God, murderous (Genesis 4:3-8). They rushed for profit to Balaam’s error, which was loving the wages of wickedness (2 Peter 2:15). Balaam wanted to curse Israel and take money from Balak (Numbers 22-24). They were destroyed by Korah’s rebellion. In Numbers 16, Korah led a rebellion against Moses that led to the Lord opening the earth and swallowing him and the other rebels.

BATTLE: Taking shortcuts. Doing things our way, not God’s. Are you motivated by money, power or jealousy? Pray fervently to break the hold these things have on you. Let Jesus be your motivation in all things.

12 – 2 Peter 2:13 says blemishes revel in pleasure, carousing in broad daylight. 1 Corinthians 11:20-21 says these godless people don’t gather for the Lord’s supper. They overindulge and don’t see that everyone is served, like the shepherds who feed only themselves – seeing to their own needs, but no one else’s.

BATTLE: Self-serving. Over-indulgent. Go out of your way to serve others. Practice random acts of kindness. What ideas can you come up with to be less selfish.

Who are the shepherds who don’t care for their flocks? Preachers. Ezekiel 34:8-10 says the shepherds didn’t protect the flock, so the flock became prey for wild animals. But God will rescue the flock and hold the shepherd responsible.

Clouds without rain are like a man who boasts about gifts he doesn’t give according to Proverbs 25:14. 2 Peter 2:17 says that the blackest darkness is reserved for them.

Blown away by the wind of false teaching and cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming, says Ephesians 4:14.

Trees without fruit and uprooted refers to Matthew 15:13 that says every plant that my Heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.

Twice dead – in this life (mortality) and the next (eternity).

13 – wild waves of the sea – Isaiah 57:20 – the wicked are like the tossing sea that cannot rest.

BATTLE: Recklessness. Lack of discipline. Start with daily Bible reading, routine prayer time, memorizing scripture. Go for prayer walks. Just be with the Lord everyday. Schedule the time if you must.

Foaming up their shame – Philippians 3:19 says their glory is their shame. Their best will be an embarrassment.

Blackest darkness – see v. 12

14 – Enoch was 7th in Adam’s lineage according to Genesis 5:18. He was the father of Methuselah (Genesis 5:21). He walked with God for 300 years (Genesis 5:22). He was no more because God took him away (Genesis 5:24). Apparently, he walked with God as a prophet, and prophesied about the counterfeit Christians that the Lord is coming with 1000s of angels to judge.

15 – Jesus is coming with His angels to judge everyone (Daniel 7:9-10) and to convict the ungodly’s actions and words.

16 – The Israelites were notorious grumblers. See Exodus 15:24; 16:2; 17:3; Numbers 16. The consequences of grumbling are horrible. See Numbers 14:27-35 and take notice that even after this event, they grumbled again…

faultfinders – follow evil desires – boastful – flatter others for their own advantage.

BATTLE: Grumbling. Complaining. Look for Christ’s fingerprints everywhere. Praise Him when you least feel like it. Thank Him for the good things and the bad. Pray He will empower you to do His will and reveal His will clearly.

17 – What did the apostles foretell? We’ll look at that in verse 18.

The way this verse is phrased would indicate that Jude was not one of the apostles, but rather the brother of Jesus Christ.

• The book of Jude teaches much about how to protect yourself and others in the battle to keep and build our faith. What have you learned about how to guard your heart or the heart of others today?
• What attributes of God do you see in this chapter?
• What verse of scripture seemed to be God speaking directly to you? What is He teaching you in these verses? How does He want you to respond?


Alexander said…
Interesting post!! I really like this site, and hope you will write more, thanks for your information.

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