Today's Ice Breaker comes from the book, "Jump Starts and Soft Landings," by Steve Sheely. In honor of Grandparents' Day and the blog tour for "How To Really Love Your Grandchild", here is a timely "getting to know you exercise for your Bible study or small group. In fact, this would be a terrific ice breaker for book groups reading that book!
Groovy Grandparents
Take turns sharing your answers to the following questions. If you did not know your grandparents, perhaps you know stories about them.
1.What are some physical characteristics and personality traits you got from your grandparents?
2.How would people from your grandparents’ town describe them?
3.What are your fondest memories of your grandparents?
4.What qualities did your grandparents have that you would like to have in your life?
5.How have your grandparents treated you in ways that no one else can?
6.Introduce one of your grandparents to the group by telling a story about them.
Groovy Grandparents
Take turns sharing your answers to the following questions. If you did not know your grandparents, perhaps you know stories about them.
1.What are some physical characteristics and personality traits you got from your grandparents?
2.How would people from your grandparents’ town describe them?
3.What are your fondest memories of your grandparents?
4.What qualities did your grandparents have that you would like to have in your life?
5.How have your grandparents treated you in ways that no one else can?
6.Introduce one of your grandparents to the group by telling a story about them.