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Showing posts from October, 2023

Homiletics: John 5

We are adding the identification of Doctrine to our Homiletics preparation. Divisions ( run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s relationship to man; a sin to avoid, promise to trust, example to follow, command to obey, truth to believe ): 1.Jesus heals a man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath (John 5:1-16) Principle:   God’s good deeds are not limited by the clock or calendar. 2.Jesus defends against the Jewish leaders’ persecution (John 5:17-47) Principle:   Jesus speaks not to defend His actions, but so people will know the truth.   Subject Sentence ( 10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture ): Jesus heals on the Sabbath and defends against leaders’ persecution.   Aim (“ To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc .): TCMATK Jesus’ people can follow His work ethic by finding res...

Homiletics: John 4:31-54

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.Meanwhile disciples urged him: Rabbi eat something;He: I have food u know nothing about (4:31-32) 2.then disc>ea other:could some1 hv brought food;my food=do will him who sent me/finish wk(4:33-34) 3.Don’t u hv saying “It’s still 4 mos till harvest”, open eyes lk fields, they ripe for harvest(4:35) 4.the one who reaps draws wage/harvests crop for EL so sower & reaper may be glad together(4:36) 5.thus saying “1 sows anothr reaps”=true;I sent u reap what u worked for,others done hard wk(4:37-38) 6.many Samaritans from that town believed bec of wm’s testimony:”He told me everything I did”(4:39) when Sams came, they urged him stay,he stayed 2 days;bec his wds many more believers(4:40-41) 8.they2wm:we longer believe bec what u said,we heard ourselves&know this man Savior of world(4:42) 9.after 2 days he left for Galilee(4:43) J pointed out that prophet has no hon...

Homiletics: John 4:1-30

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.J learned Phar heard he baptizing more disc than Jn;not J baptizing but disciples(4:1-2) 2.left Judea went Galilee;had go through Samaria;town Sychar near ground Jacob givn Joseph(4:3-5) 3.Jacob’s well J tired, sat about noon;Sam wm came draw water, J:will you give me drink?(4:6-7) 4.disc>town buy food;Sam wm: u Jew, I Sam wm, how u ask me for drink (Jews assoc Sam)(4:8-9) 5.J:if u knew gift of G & whoasks for drink u’d have asked/he would’ve given u living water(4:10) 6.wm: u have nothing draw with/well deep/where u get living water?(4:11) 7.are u greater than our fr Jacob who gave us the well/drank from it as his sons/livestock(4:12) 8.J:every1 drinks this thirsty again;whoever drinks water I gv never thirst,spr welling>eternl life(4:13-14) 9.wm: Sir gv me water so I won’t get thirsty/have to keep coming here to draw water(4:15)   10.He:go call husb & come back;I have...

Homiletics: John 3

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.Phar Nic member Jewish council>J night:Rabbi we know u teacher from G(3:1-2) 2.J:no one see koG unless born again;how someone born when old(3:3-4) 3.J:no one enter koG unless born water/Spirit;flesh birth flesh, Spirit birth spirit(3:5-6) should not be surprised;wind blows, you hear,cannot tell where comes from/going(3:7-8) 5.How can this be, N asked; u Is teacher, understand ?(3:9-10) 6.we spk what know,u accept ;I spoken earthly things,u believe ,how bel if I spk hvnly things?(3:11-12) one gone hvn except SoM;as Moses lifted snake, so SoM must be lifted up(3:13-14) 8.that everyone who believes may have eternal life(3:15) 9.G so loved world, gave only Son, that whoever believes perish /have eternal life(3:16) 10.G send Son condemn, but save world(3:17) 11.whoever believes condemned ,whoever believe stands condemned(3:18) 12.Light come into world, pple loved dkness bec d...