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Showing posts from March, 2023

Love God, Love People

When we read the prophetic book of Micah over the last couple of weeks, we saw God’s promised judgment together with His promised redemption.  We saw God use exile from the Promised Land to draw people back to Himself.  Do you allow suffering to push you away from God?  Or does suffering drive you to your knees in prayer to God for strength? One of the major takeaways from Micah is that it matters to God how people treat people.   God values people.   He sent His Son to die for people.   How do I treat others?   Do I empathize with people?   Do I even try to put myself in another person’s shoes?   Or am I apathetic toward those who are suffering because of their poor choices? Another thing we see in Micah is that salvation is based on God’s mercy, not my actions.   Jesus died for me while I was still His enemy.   How am I loving my enemies?   I am called to pray for my enemies.   When I do that, my heart will change to...

Some Thoughts on Micah

In the prophetic book of Micah, we see the Lord’s judgment pronounced on the people for Jacob’s transgression and the sins of Israel.  What is that transgression?  Idolatry.  Idolatry is a huge sin!  It is defined as anything that takes the place that belongs to God in every life.  This sin absolutely deserves judgment.  And in this book, that judgment looks like exile from the Promised Land.  In fact, today, if you really take the time to analyze it, idolatry still displaces God from His rightful place, and distances us from Him!  And engaging in that sin deserves the judgment of expulsion from God’s presence.  But in the book of Micah, judgment shares the stage with hope.  Not only do we see the punishment idolatry deserves, but we are also blessed to see God’s mercy, grace, love, redemption and shepherding of His people. In these chapters of Scripture, God’s Judgment and Redemption are put on vibrant display.   These two concep...

Homiletics: Micah

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.wd L>Micah;listen, L;coming;mts melt,valleys split;bec Jacob’s transgression/sins Is(Mic 1:1-5) 2.I mk Samaria rubble;her idols broken;I weep,howl,moan:sam plague incurable(Mic 1:6-10) 3.pass in shame;Maroth writhe pain, waiting relief,disaster from L;I bring conqueror(Mic 1:11-16) 4.woe those plan iniquity;covet fields,seize houses;L:I planning disaster;ppl taunt(Mic 2:1-4) one divide land;does L bec impatient;ppl risen lk enemy;go away;I gather you Jacob(Mic 2:5-13) 6.Listen ldrs Jacob;you hate good, love evil;they cry out, L ans ,hide face(Mic 3:1-4) 7.proph who lead astray;sun set for proph;I filled power,Spirit L;hear this(Mic 3:5-12)   8.In last days L tmpl established;nations come,law go out;He judge disputes;we walk name L(Mic 4:1-5) 9.L:I gather lame;mk lame remnant,L rule in mt Zion;L redeem you(Mic 4:6-10) 10.many nations gathered v you(Mic 4:11-13) 11.Marshal tro...