Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.Manasseh 12,reign Jerus 55y;evil;rebuilt hi plcs/altars/Ash pole;sacrfc childrn,divin,witch(2 Chr 33:1-6) 2.took image put G tmpl;led Judah astray;L spk Man/ppl,pd attn ;L brt army koA;Man>Bab(2Chr33:7-11) 3.Distress,sought favor L,humbled;prayed,L moved,listened,brt bk Jerus;Man knew L=G(2Chr33:12-13) 4.rid foreign gs;restored altar,told Jud serve L;ppl cont sac hi plc>L; Amon son succeeded(2Chr33:14-20) 5.Amon 22,reign Jerus 2y;evil;humble,incr guilt;off conspire assass;md Josiah son king(2Chr33:21-25) 6.Josiah 8,reign Jerus 31y;did right;8 th y seek L;12 th y purge hi pls/Ash/idols;tore down(2Chr34:1-7) 7.18 th y repair temple;workers labor faithfully;Hilkiah found Book of Law>Shaphan>king(2Chr34:8-16) from it;king tore robes;go inquire L;L:bring disaster plc/ppl;bec forsaken Me(2 Chr 34:17-25) 9.bec ur heart resp,I heard;u buried peace;king called elders;went tm...
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