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Showing posts from January, 2023

Homiletics: 2 Chronicles 33-36

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.Manasseh 12,reign Jerus 55y;evil;rebuilt hi plcs/altars/Ash pole;sacrfc childrn,divin,witch(2 Chr 33:1-6) 2.took image put G tmpl;led Judah astray;L spk Man/ppl,pd attn ;L brt army koA;Man>Bab(2Chr33:7-11) 3.Distress,sought favor L,humbled;prayed,L moved,listened,brt bk Jerus;Man knew L=G(2Chr33:12-13) 4.rid foreign gs;restored altar,told Jud serve L;ppl cont sac hi plc>L; Amon son succeeded(2Chr33:14-20) 5.Amon 22,reign Jerus 2y;evil;humble,incr guilt;off conspire assass;md Josiah son king(2Chr33:21-25)   6.Josiah 8,reign Jerus 31y;did right;8 th y seek L;12 th y purge hi pls/Ash/idols;tore down(2Chr34:1-7) 7.18 th y repair temple;workers labor faithfully;Hilkiah found Book of Law>Shaphan>king(2Chr34:8-16) from it;king tore robes;go inquire L;L:bring disaster plc/ppl;bec forsaken Me(2 Chr 34:17-25) 9.bec ur heart resp,I heard;u buried peace;king called elders;went tm...

Homiletics 2 Chronicles 26-32

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.ppl Judah took Uzziah,16,made king;reigned Jerus 52y;did right eyes L;G gave success(2 Chr 26:1-5) 2.Uzziah had well-trained army;provided armor entire army;devices invented(2 Chr 26:6-15) 3.pride>downfall unfaithful to L,temple burn incense;Azariah w/80 courageous priests(2 Chr 26:16-17) 4.confrontd;Uzziah angry,raging,leprosy forehead;lived separate;Jotham son succeeded(2 Chr 26:19-23) 5.Jotham 25,reigned Jerus 16y;did right eyes L;walked steadfastly;Ahaz son succeeded(2 Chr 27:1-9) 6.Ahaz 20,reigned Jerus 16y; right eyes L;made idols for Baals(2 Chr 28:1-2) 7.burned sacrifices,sacrificed children,detestable practices;L delivered to hands king Aram(2 Chr 28:3-5) 8.Ahaz>Assyria for help;Edomites attacked;Philistines raided;Assyria came,gave trouble(2 Chr 28:6-20) 9.Ahaz took things from temple/palace,presented>koAssyria;furnishings temple cut pcs(2 Chr 28:21-24) 10. placed tombs...

Homiletics: Hosea

Content: 1.wd L>Hos;marry promisc wm,hv childrn;Gomer,son,Jezreel;dtr,Lo-Ruhamah;son;Lo-Ammi(Hos 1:1-11) 2.rebuke;unfaithful;she chase lovers;I expose her/stop her celebrations;lead her wilderness(Hos 2:1-14) 3.rem Baals from lips;betroth>Me forever,rtness,justice,love,compassion;faithfulness(Hos 2:15-23) 4.go love wife as L loves Israelites;bought her;Is will retn/seek L(Hos 3:1-5)   5.Is faithfulness,love,acknowledgment G;cursing,lying,murder,stealing,adultery(Hos 4:1-8) ppl,lk priests,punish both;unfaithful>G(Hos 4:9-19) 7. acknowledge L;Israel’s arrogance testifies;unfaithful;Judah’s leaders, I pour wrath(Hos 5:1-15) 8.retn>L,He will heal;desire mercy, sacrifie ;they broken covenant,unfaithful(Hos 6:1-11) 9.sins Ephraim exposed,crimes Samria revealed;wickedness;adulterers;kings fall,none call Me(Hos 7:1-7) 10.Ephraim easily deceived,senseless;not turn>Most High(Hos 7:8-16) 11.Is rejected good;sow wind, reap whirlwind;swallowed up;Ep...

Joel and Obadiah Devotional

A long time ago, a man named Edmund Burke said: “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”  This quote has pushed me to some uncomfortable places.  It has filled me with resolve.  It has reminded me of how Jesus selflessly laid down His life for me.  And how Scripture says there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends.  It has made me courageous.  It has brought me to tears of shame.  And tears of gratitude for forgiveness and second chances.  It has reminded me of historical heroes like William Wallace and Oskar Schindler, Harriet Tubman and Todd Beamer.   Today, we’re looking at the prophetic books of Joel and Obadiah.   These chapters are about Judgment and Turning to God for Deliverance .   Let’s examine The Lord’s Word to Joel and Obadiah’s vision about Edom.   When we walk away from our time together today, I want you to know When the day of the Lord comes, Go...

Homiletics: Joel and Obadiah

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.wd L>Joel;listen;tell children;locust swarm>grt loc>young loc>other loc eaten;wake up(Joel1:1-5) 2.nation invaded land;laid waste vines/trees;mourn lk virgin grieving;grain/drink offerings cut off(1:6-9) 3.fields ruined;despair farmers;vine/trees dried,joy withered;offerings withheld;fast,cry out>L(1:10-14) 4.d L near;food cut off,joy/gladness from hs G;storehs ruins;no pasture;L I call;animals pant(1:15-20)   5.d L coming;army comes;nothing esc;appearance horses;noise lk chariots;nations anguish(2:1-6) 6.chg/scale walls;plunge thru defens;rush city;earth shake,hvns trembl,sun/moon dk;stars shine (2:7-10) 7.L thunders@hd army;retn>Me;rend heart;He may relent;fast;gather,consecrate;preists weep(2:11-17) 8.L pity ppl;sending grain,wine,oil;drive horde from you; afraid Judah; afraid animals;rejoice in L(2:18-23) 9.filled grain,wine,oil;repay yrs loc eatn;have plenty,pra...