Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1:1-3a past,G spk thru proph;last dd by Son,heir,thru Whom md univ;radiance G glry,exact rep His being 3b-6 sustn by Wd;aftr purfy sins,sat rt hnd Maj;sprior2As;whn G brng 1stbrn wrld,all As wrshp Him 7-9 He mk As sprts,svts flames;Son-thron4evr;u lvd rtnss,h8d wckdnss T4 set abv cmpnions,anoint oil joy 10-14 L fndtn erth,hvns wk hnds;they persh u remn;2whch As G:I mk enmys ftstl;As srv those inhert salv 2:1-3 pay attn so drift away;msg spkn bindng,evry violatn recd punishmt;how esc if ignore grt salv 4-7 G testfd by signs&gifts of HS; 2As He subj wrld2cm;wht manknd that u mindful;U md them lil lwr As 8-9 G lft0 subj 2em;we see J,lwr than As4while ♔ glry bec suffrd,so by grace G taste death4evry1 10-12 G mk salv prfct thru wht suffrd;1 who mk holy& holy=same fam,J declr brosis I sing ur praises 13-15 herei&chldrn G gv me;since flesh He share humanty so brk pwr devil;f...
Dedicated to the study of the Word of God and growing others up in relationship with Jesus. "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." --Hebrews 10:25