Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 9:51-53 whn days cmng2close,He detrmnd go Jerus;sent msgrs,entrd Sam; wlcm Him bec He go Jerus 9:54-56 whn Jas/Jn saw:L,u want us call fire frm hvn2consume them?He rebukd,they went another vill 9:57-60 as trvlng,sm1:I follo u whrevr;J:SoM plc 2lay hd;2anothr:follo me;let me bury fr;let ded bury ded 9:61-62 anothr:I follo u,let me say bye2my hs;J:no1 who put hd2plow&lks bk fit4koG 10:1-3 aftr,L apptd70,sent ahd pairs;harvest abundt wrkrs few;pray L send wrkrs;go lambs amng wlvs 10:4-6 carry $bag,trvl bag,sndl, greet any1rd;whtevr hs u enter:Pc;if son of pc there,pc rest him,if not,retn 10:7-9 remn in hs,eatg/drkg what offer;when entr town&they wlcm,eat,heal,tell koG cm near u 10:10-12 when entr& they wlcm:we wipg dust off,koG cm near;more tolerabl4Sodom than that town 10:13-16 woe Corzn,Bethsd mircls in u done Tyre/Sidon they’d repnt;Caprn go Hades;listn u listn me 10:17-20 7...
Dedicated to the study of the Word of God and growing others up in relationship with Jesus. "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." --Hebrews 10:25