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Showing posts from May, 2017

True to You by Becky Wade

True to You by Becky Wade Contemporary Romance Bethany House Publishers A Bradford Sisters Romance #1 After a devastating heartbreak three years ago, genealogist and historical village owner Nora Bradford decided that burying her nose in her work and her books is far safer than romance in the here and now. Unlike Nora, former Navy SEAL John Lawson is a modern-day man, usually 100 percent focused on the present. However, when John, an adoptee, is diagnosed with an inherited condition, he's forced to dig into the secrets of his ancestry. John enlists Nora's help to uncover the identity of his birth mother, and as they work side by side, this pair of opposites begins to suspect that they just might be a perfect match. But can their hope for a future survive their wounds from the past?    Meet the Author Becky Wade is a native of California who attended Baylor University, met and married a Texan, and now lives in Dallas. A favorit...

Homiletics: 1 Peter 2

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.There4, rid all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander of every kind (1) newborn, crave pure spiritual milk so u grow in salvation, now uve tasted that L is good (2-3) u cm 2 Him, living Stone, rejected by humans/chosen by G (4) 4.u like living stones being built into spirtual hse 2b holy priesthd offring spiritual sacrifices2G thruJC(5) 5.Scr says:I lay stone in Zion, chosen/precious crnrstone,who trusts in Hm nvr put to shame (6) 6.2u who bel, stone=precious;2 those bel , “stone builders rejected become crnrstone” (7) 7.& “stone that causes ppl 2 stumble&rock that makes em fall”; they stumble bec disobey, destined 4(8) 8.u chsn ppl,royal priesthd,holy nation,Gs special poss,that u declare praises Him calld u out darkness(9) 9.once u ppl , now u ppl of G; once u rec’d mercy, now u recd mercy (10)   10.frends/forenrs/exiles,abstn sinfl desires;liv...

Homiletics: 1 Peter 1

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.P, apostle o JC, 2Gs elect,exiles scattrd throughout Pontus,Galatia,Cappadocia,Asia,Bithynia(1) 2.chosen accordg24knowlg o G thru sanctfyg wk o S,2b obed to JC&sprnkld w/blod:grace&peace(2) 3.praise2Fr! In grt mercy,givn us new birth thru resurr o JC in2 inheritnc tht nvr perish/spoil/fade(3-4a) 4.inhrtnc kpt hvn4u who thru faith r shieldd by Gs pwr til cming o salv ready 2breveald in last time (4b-5) this u grtly rejoice, tho now u may’ve had2suffr grief in trials; thes cm so genuinss ur faith (6-7a) 6. (>worth thn au-perish tho refind by fire)result in praise, glry, honr whn JC reveald (7b) 7.tho u seen Hm,u Y Hm;tho u see Hm now,u bel&r filld w/inexprssbl&glrius joy,4u recv salv(8-9) 8.concrng this salv, proph who spoke o grace2cm2u,searchd intently w/grtst care(10) 9.trying 2find time&circumstncs Spirit was pointing when predictd suffrings o Mess...

Forensic Faith by J. Warner Wallace

Forensic Faith by J. Warner Wallace Christian Living David C Cook Christianity has a rich evidential history, yet most of us are ill-prepared to make the case for what we believe. In Forensic Faith, veteran detective J. Warner Wallace teaches us the principles investigators use so we can develop a clear, evidence-based faith. Forensic Faith will help you: embrace your duty to defend the truth devise a training strategy to master the evidence for Christianity learn how to employ the techniques of a detective to discover new insights from God's Word become a better communicator by learning the skills of professional case makers  Are you ready to start a new journey as a follower of Christ? Are you ready to have greater impact on your culture? Forensic Faith provides you with the strategies and the tools needed to become an effective Christian Case Maker.    Meet the Author J. Warner Wallace is a cold-case homicide...

Homiletics: John 21

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.After, J revealed self again 2disc by Sea of Tiberias: SP, Thos, Nath, Zeb sons&2others together (1-2) 2.SP:I’m going fishing;they:we’re coming; went into boat, that nite caught nothing (3) 3.When daybrk came, J stood on shore, disc know it J;”men”,J called,”u have fish, do u?” “no” (4-5) 4.”cast net rt side boat&you’ll find some”, they unable 2 haul bec of lg # of fish (6) 5.discJlv2P:it is the L;P tied outr garmt round him/plungd in2 sea; discs came in boat draggin fish(7-8) 6.when they got out, saw charcoal fire w/fish&bread;”bring some fish u caught,”J told them (9-10) 7.SP hauled lg fish 153,net torn ;“come have breakfast”;none ask who r u bec they knew it was L(11-12) 8.J came,took bread,gave2em,same w/fish;this 3 rd time J appeard2disc after raised(13-14)   9.Whn they’d eaten,J:Sim,son of John, do u lv me mo than these?Y,L u know I lv u;feed lambs(15)...

Homiletics: John 20

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.Early 1 st day/wk, still dk, MaryM2tomb, saw stone rem (1) 2.She run 2SP & disc J lvd: They taken L & we know where they put Him (2) 3.P& other disc started4tomb, running, other disc reached tomb 1 st (3-4) 4.He looked at linen, didn’t go in, SP went straight in, saw linen/cloth still lying in place (5-7) 5.Finally other disc went inside, saw/believed;(they understd J had to rise from dead);went back (8-10) 6.Mary outside tomb crying, bent2look in, saw 2 angels is wt where body had been 1@head,1@ft(11-12) 7.”Wmn, YU crying?”   “They’ve taken my L&I know where they put Him” (13) 8.She turned, saw J, realize was J; He:Wmn YU crying?   Who U looking for? (14-15a) 9.Thinking He gardener: Tell me where U put Him&I’ll get Him; J:Mary; M:Rabboni! (15b-16) 10.J: hold onto me, I ascended to Fr; go to bros, tell them I’m ascend to my/ur Fr,my/ur G (1...