“The Amazing Grace of Freedom: The Inspiring Faith of William Wilberforce – the Slaves’ Champion” is a beautiful gift book that blends historical fact with images from the film “Amazing Grace”. Quotes from the actors in the film season the pages alongside quotes from the historical figures they portrayed. This book is filled with breathtaking photographs and poignant writing about the life of William Wilberforce as well as the other men and women who were instrumental in the abolition of the slave trade in England. There are also plenty of eye-opening drawings and historical posters that will shed light on the practice of slave trading. Although it is not an exhaustive resource, this is an easily readable book that is bound to become an invaluable source of historical information and an inspirational journey into a dark time in history. It will whet the appetite of any reader interested in the person of William Wilberforce or the slave trade that he fought against.
Homiletics . By definition, “homiletic” is the art of preaching or writing sermons. I think we would all agree that our pastors study the Bible thoroughly to deliver sermons every Sunday to their congregations. The beautiful news is that every child of God can use this discipline to study the Bible for themselves. As a member of Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) Leadership, part of my required preparation each week is to prepare homiletics for the passage we are studying. BSF offers an engaging seminar on how to use this method to study the Scriptures. I’ve taken the seminar several times under two different leaders and I’ve learned something new every time I’ve attended. I’ve also been doing the process of homiletics for over ten years and I can say that there is no better teacher than the Holy Spirit in this process! So keep practicing. Keep sharing and discussing. I’ve been posting my homiletics on this blog for quite a...