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Homiletics: Revelation 8-9

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture): 
When He opened 7th seal, silence in hvn ½ hour; I saw 7 angels, 7 trumpets given to them.
A givn incns 2 offer w/prayers of G’s ppl altar in frt of throne; Smoke/prayers went b4 G.
A took censer, filld w/fire frm altar, hurld on earth: thundr, rumblings, lightning, eaquake.
7 As w/trumps; 1st trump: hail, fire/blud hurld on earth, 1/3 ea/trees/all grass burn up.
2nd trump: like huge mt ablaze thrn in sea, 1/3 sea turn 2 blud/creat die/ships destroyed.
3rd trump: grt star blazng fell on 1/3 rivers/springs; Wormwood, 1/3 waters bitter, ppl die.
4th trump: 1/3 sun/moon/stars struck, turned dark, 1/3 day w/o light, also 1/3 night.
I watch eagle flying: Woe to inhabitant of earth bec of trump blasts about to be sounded.
5th trump: star fall to ea/givn key to Abyss, he opened, smoke rose, sun/sky darkened.
Frm smoke locusts came givn pwr like scorpions, told harm only those w/o seal of G.
Not allowed to kill, only torture 5 mos, agony like sting of scorp, ppl seek death, not find.
Locusts lk horses 4 bttl, wore crowns, faces resemb humn, hair lk women’s, teeth lk lion’s.
They had brstplts, snd of wings lk thundrng of hrses/chariots; tails w/stingrs 2 trmnt 5 mo.
King ovr thm=ang of Abyss: Heb-Abaddon/Gk-Apollyon (Destroyer); 1st woe past, 2 to cm.
6th trump: voice frm horns of altar b4 G to 6th angel: rel 4 angels bound @ rvr Euphrates.
4 angels rel to kill 1/3 mankind; # of mtd troops twice 10000x10000, I heard #.
Hrses/ridrs: brplts rd/dk blu/yel, hrs hds resmb lions, out mouths: fire, smoke, sulph.
1/3 mankd killd by fire, smoke, sulphur; pwr of hrs in mouths/tails lk snakes, hds inflict inj.
Mankd not killd not repent, not stop worship demons/idols.
Nor repent of murders, magic arts, immorality, thefts.

Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):
The Seventh Seal and the First Four Trumpets
Jesus is precise and orderly in His judgment of the earth and mankind.
The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets
Witnessing these terrifying judgments will not be enough to persuade some people to repent.

Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):
Jesus opens the seventh seal and unleashes six trumpet judgments.

TCMATK Jesus Christ is in complete control over all aspects of the coming judgment and we should be preparing for that time with prayer and evangelism.

(Why silence in heaven for half an hour?)
Based on Revelation 8:3-5, what might the prayers of God’s people have been about?  How will this affect your prayer life?
Which of the first four trumpet judgments is the most unsettling to you?  How will this change your lifestyle now?
According to Revelation 9:4, there will be people with the seal of God on their foreheads on the earth at this time.  How might you pray now for them?  How will this change how you witness to others today?
What do you learn about God because the four angels bound at the river Euphrates “had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year”?  In what way will this knowledge affect how you serve Him?
How does knowing that some people cannot be persuaded to repent affect the way you pray to, live for and serve Jesus?


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