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Showing posts from November, 2023

Homiletics: John 6:41-71

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.Jews began grumble bec said:I bread from heaven;they:J son Jos,how say came from hvn(6:41-42) 2.Stop grumbling among yourselves;no1 come me unless Fr draws,and I raise up last day(6:43-44) 3.written in Proph:they be taught by G,every1 who heard Fr comes(6:45) 4.no1 seen Fr except one from G;VT the 1 who believes has EL;I am bread of life(6:46-48) 5.your ancestors ate manna yet died;here is bread from hvn any1 may eat,not die(6:49-50) 6.I am living bread,whoever eats will live forever,bread=flesh I give for life of world(6:51) 7.Jews began argue sharply:How this man give flesh to eat?(6:52) 8.J:VT unless you eat flesh SoM/drink blood,you have no life(6:53) 9.whoever eats flesh/drinks blood has EL and I raise last day;my flesh real food,blood real drink(6:54-55) 10.whoever eats flesh/drinks blood remains in me,I in them(6:56) Fr sent me/I lv bec Fr,1 who feeds on me live bec me;bread

Review: Julia Monroe Begins Again by Rebekah Millet

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Rebekah Millet and her publisher for sending me a copy of "Julia Monroe Begins Again" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. “Julia Monroe Begins Again” by Rebekah Millet is my absolute favorite Christian romance novel ever!  Such a wonderful debut novel by an author to watch!!  Rebekah Millet captures the reader immediately, like a gifted journalist.  This book reads like you’re sitting in a café with Julia Monroe herself telling her story over a warm drink and pastry.  I found myself staying up way past my bedtime, enjoying the almost musical writing.  There are intelligent and likeable characters, interesting situations, witty writing, and logical conflict.  I found myself rooting for Julia and Samuel, their families and friends.  I cannot wait for another book by Rebekah Millet.  And “Julia Monroe

Homiletics: John 6:22-40

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): day crowd realized only 1 boat, J not entered disc gone alone (6:22) from Tiberias landed near where people had eaten bread (6:23) 3.once crowd realized neither J/disc there, they got into boats went Capernaum search J (6:24) 4.when they found him, asked: Rabbi, when you get here? (6:25) 5.J:you looking for me not bec signs but bec ate/had fill (6:26) not work for food that spoils but that endures to EL which SoM will give you (6:27) 7.they: What must we do to do works G requires? (6:28) 8.J: work of G is to believe the one he has sent (6:29)   9.they: what sign you give that we may believe? (6:30) 10.Our ancestors ate manna as is written: he gave them bread from heaven to eat (6:31) 11.J: not Moses given bread from heaven, but my Father who give u true bread from heaven (6:32) 12.For the bread of G is the bread that comes heaven/gives life to world (6:33) 13.Sir,

Homiletics: John 6:1-21

Divisions ( run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s relationship to man; a sin to avoid, promise to trust, example to follow, command to obey, truth to believe ): 1.Jesus feeds Five Thousand (John 6:1-13) Principle:   Jesus provided for all. 2.Jesus walks on Water (John 6:14-21) Principle:   Jesus protects His people.   Subject Sentence ( 10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture ): Jesus feeds five thousand then walks on water.   Aim (“ To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc .): TCMATK Jesus meets needs and exceeds expectations.   Application ( not yes or no question.   Meant to bring about heart change ): 1.How are you sharing the leftovers from Jesus’ abundant provision to you? 2.What do you know about Jesus (and His protection) that gives you peace and joy when you encounter life’s storm