I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands. Psalm 63:4
03/06/09 I am a worshiper and a hand-raiser! I love to praise God and reach out to Him when I sing, when I make music, when I pray, and sometimes when I speak about Him. But I realize that not everyone is comfortable with behaving this way. Some people are more reserved and conservative in their worship, and I have no problem with that. There are days that I am so touched during worship that I can do nothing more that bow my head and let the tears fall. But, most often, I am excited to be in His presence and want to express that excitement. I also find that when my heart isn’t quite right, it helps me to be around people who are expressive in their worship because it reminds me Who I’m there for and helps me to refocus on the Right Source.