Please forgive this rough draft format, as these are my raw study notes on the book of Genesis. I felt a great sense of urgency to publish them rather than waiting until I had the time to pretty them up. Thank you and I pray that God blesses you through this material.
Take a few minutes to savor Genesis Chapter 8. Then return here and ponder the thoughts, answer the questions, and be sure to leave comments about your own revelations…
8:5-6 – is this a statement supporting capital punishment?
8:15-17 – God instructed Noah to come out of the ark with his family and the animals. He commands them to be fruitful and increase in number upon the earth. This passage reminds me of John 11, where Jesus’ friend, Lazarus, is sick and dies. When the Lord arrives in Bethany, He is met by mourners, probably wailing – whereas when the Lord approached the ark, there was silence because everything on the earth was dead. As Jesus approached Lazarus’ tomb, it probably grew quieter since there was nothing going on behind the rock. Conversely, as God approached the ark, the noise-level grew because everything inside was aching to get out! In John 11:43, Jesus issues a command: “Lazarus, come out.” If He had done as the Father did in Genesis, and not specified the instruction was for Lazarus, every dead man, woman and child within the sound of His voice would have obeyed the command!
Mankind was given a second chance through Noah. Some would argue that only Lazarus (and perhaps those who knew him) were given a second chance at Bethany. But they would be wrong. This event was another chance for mankind! We were given another chance to see God’s love and compassion and power and generosity. We see how He cares for us through the tears shed for His friend.
How does the resurrection of Lazarus or the resurrection of mankind from the ark impact you?
8:22 – Read at sunrise.
What attributes of God have you observed in your study today? How will this change your relationship with Him?