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Homiletics Gensis 41-45

16 April 2013

Contents:            Where?                  Egypt, Canaan                 Who?  Joseph, Pharaoh, Joseph’s sons, bros, Israel

Two years later, no one could interpret Pharaoh’s dreams about cows and grain and the cupbearer told Pharaoh about Joseph’s interpretation of his & the baker’s dreams.
Pharaoh sent for Joseph, who credited God with interpretation and heard dreams.
Joseph said dreams are same: 7 years abundance followed by 7 years famine; seek discerning, wise man to oversee saving 1/5 produce during abundance so Egypt won’t perish and Pharaoh liked proposal.
Pharaoh set 30 y.o. Joseph over Egypt, gave him Egyptian name and wife and he stored grain in great abundance.
Joseph had 2 sons (Manasseh, Ephraim) then famine came and Joseph sold grain to Egyptians and the people of all the earth.
Jacob sent sons (minus Benjamin) to buy grain in Egypt but they didn’t recognize Joseph.
Joseph remembered his dreams, called them spies and imprisoned them, keeping one until they brought Benjamin to him.
They talked about what they did to Joseph, were given grain and their money and departed leaving Simeon, hearts sinking when they found their money.
They told Jacob what happened and he grieved Joseph and Simeon and said Benjamin would not go.
When food ran out, Jacob sent them to buy more and they took a present, double the money and Benjamin and stood before Joseph.
Joseph saw Benjamin and had meal prepared, brothers afraid when brought to J’s house and Simeon joined them.
They gave present to Joseph and bowed, he asked about Jacob and left to weep over Benjamin who received 5x the portion of the others.
He filled their sacks and had his cup planted in Ben’s bag, let them leave, had them chased down and Ben accused of stealing and Judah pleaded with Joseph that he remain instead.
Joseph reveals himself and tells them to get their families and come back to Goshen and they wept.
Pharaoh offered the best Egypt to Joseph’s family, his brothers leaving to get their families and Jacob revived when he learned Joseph was alive.


Two years later, the cupbearer remembered Joseph to Pharaoh, who summoned Joseph to interpret his dreams and rewarded him with power and a wife.
God’s timing is perfect.
Our rescue will come in God’s timing and not a moment before.
Interpretation of dreams belongs to God.
We should always give God the credit for our abilities – He gave them to us.
God gives us knowledge of the future for a reason.
Our rewards come from God.
God places us in positions and circumstances purposefully.
We should work at our jobs as if we are working directly for the Lord.
Storing up for times of famine is a smart idea.
Joseph accuses his brothers of espionage, “sells” them grain and he throws Simeon in prison.
When God brings to fruition what He said would take place, we should worship Him.
Sometimes, our sins come back to haunt us.
When your child (loved one) is in prison, go to him.
Grieving the living is counter-productive.
The brothers return to Egypt with Benjamin to buy more grain, are reunited with Simeon, Benjamin is accused of stealing and Judah offers to take his brother’s place in prison.
Taking a risk and trusting God has surprising and life-changing results.
Judah learned humility and compassion in the years since he recommended selling Joseph.
Brother should protect brother.
Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, Pharaoh offers the brothers a place in Egypt and Jacob is revived when he learns Joseph is alive.
Sometimes genuine forgiveness is mistaken for manipulation and plotting.
Restoration of relationship is a beautiful thing.
Good news revitalizes a person.


Subject Sentence:

Pharaoh’s dreams release Joseph, give power and reunite brothers.


Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT realize that we should protect our brothers and seek restoration of broken relationships.



How have you experienced God’s perfect timing?
When and how has God rescued you?
What abilities has God given you and what opportunities has He given you to use them?
If God has ever given you a glimpse of the future, how did it change your relationship with Him?
What rewards has God blessed you with?
What positions and circumstances has God placed you in and what were the results?
What job does God have you working for Him and how are you working it for Him?
How might you store up for times of famine in a spiritual sense?
When have you experienced God fulfilling a promise?
How did you react when God fulfilled the promise you experienced?
How might we avoid our sins coming back to haunt us?
What action would you take if you learned your child (loved one) was in prison?
When is grief necessary and when is it counter-productive?
How do you celebrate those you know?
What life-changing results have you experienced because of trusting God and taking a risk?
What lessons of humility have you learned recently?
What have you learned about compassion this week?
What practical advice would you give someone who desired to protect their brother?
Describe a situation when you mistook genuine forgiveness for manipulation or plotting.
In what way have you experienced the restoration of relationship?
Under what circumstances have you been revitalized by good news?



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